Chase Tyler Kent (Not edited)

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Deciding that bravery was not an option, I walked straight into the ice cream parlor and waited by the counter. After what seemed like forever, the doorbell rang as Chase walked in with a pink glow across his cheeks.

"Z? What just happened?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know Chase."

I look up to see his baby blue eyes directed right at mine. He ran his hand through his hair with a sigh and all I could think of was how gorgeous he looked at that moment.

"At least we finally have something to talk about..."

His eyes spark at my lame attempt to joke in this suffocating atmosphere. Gently, he reaches for my hand as he brushes his fingers through mine, intertwining them once again.

"Z, will you please be my girlfriend?"

I stare awkwardly at him, mouth wide open, as my mind screams inside of my head. I look into his eyes searching for something, anything to tell me that he was joking. Although he wore the barest hint of a smile on his lips, his eyes told me that he was completely serious.

"Chase, I-"

"Zoe, please, hear me out. I really like you, I have for a while actually, and back in the car you said you like me too. Well, maybe not the way I feel exactly but you said you like me in some aspect. You have to know, the bet was just to get your attention because I couldn't get you to notice me before. Please consider it..."

"Chase, I don't know how I feel. I think that if I was to admit any feeling I would be foolish because this whole thing started on a bet. How can I believe you're serious when the goal you made is to make me fall in love with you? I hate to hurt you if this is what you truly feel but I can't just openly accept when I know this might ultimately all be just a win to you."

"I don't care about the bet. I honestly want you to be my girlfriend and if I have to prove that I am serious then I will. I'll prove that I'm telling you the truth. I'll even wait till the period of time is over, I've already waited 10 years already. But please at least consider it before you reject me completely."

"Chase, I'm not rejecting you at all. I just need some time, give me some time to think. Everything is happening so fast and I don't know if I can handle all of the new changes in my life."

"Okay Z, I'll wait. But I am serious about you and would like to be around you as much as I can if that's okay. For now, let's get some ice cream. We can always talk about this later."


We ended up talking so much that our ice cream melted. Laughing as we used the napkins to clean our faces, we noticed how late it really was. Chase got up and held the door as we left from the ice cream parlor. After driving in silence for a while, I switched on the radio. "I'm Yours" began to bleed into the speakers and I sang along with it. Chase joined in about half way through and soon we were singing a duet. After the song ended, we arrived at my house. Chase pulled into the driveway and shut off the car. Instead of getting out, I looked at him waiting for him to say something. He didn't so I decided to say something myself.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight. It was really fun and I loved it a lot."

He looked up at me through his lashes and I leaned over to plant a kiss against his lips. Hovering for a few minutes as our mouths brushed each others, I decided to give myself an honest answer. It was then that I decided we belonged together.

"Yes." I whispered to him.

"Yes? Yes what?"

"Yes I will be your girlfriend!"

At this Chase's mouth turns up as he leans into me. He pulls me across the seat once again as he possesively holds me in his arms.

"I was hoping that you would say that!" He whispers in my ear as he begins to place butterfly kisses along my jaw. His hands begin to slide to my waist and I giggle. He looks at me puzzled before he brushes his fingers against my waist again. I giggle harder and he begins to flat out tickle me.

"Chase stop! Chase! Please! Please stop! Chase!" I cry out in laughter as he starts to tickle me in my neck. Deciding to be mean, I begin to tickle him back and he jumps at my sudden tickle torture. He laughs a deep throaty laugh as he holds his sides. We sit there tickling each other for a good ten minutes before we have to stop. My sides burnt from the laughter and I felt like my lungs were going to rip apart. I give him one good glare before leaning in to rest my head on his arm. I tuck my feet against my legs as I curl up next to him. Rubbing my nose in his neck for good measure, I begin to pull away. Instead of letting me leave, he pulls me back and kisses me one last time. It was perfect and I was breathless after it had passed. Instead of staying there, I get out of the car and walk inside after saying goodbye. He leaves and drives off to his own home as I ponder on my decision. I, Zoe Faith Linden, am dating Chase Tyler Kent.

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