Dairy Queen (Not edited)

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By the time the dance was over, my sides were sore and every part of my body ached. My feet were ready to fall off and my smile was as good as gone. Everything seemed heavy as my eyes were already starting to close shut for the final time.

"So I take it you had a good time?" Chase asks from the driver's side of the car.

"Um, yeah. It was amazing! I'm so happy for Maggie as well! She finally got to have that romantic moment every girl dreams about. Okay, well not every girl...". I smile to myself wondering if he got the hint that I wasn't much for romance.

"What ice cream place did she say again?" Chase asks.

"Dairy Queen...the one down the street from Fred Meyer's."

"Okay, do you know what you're going to get yet?" Chase asks me.

"Yup! The same thing I have always gotten since the first time I tried it."

"What is it?"

I try to smirk while saying "Guess" but I'm pretty sure I just made myself look stupid.

"Hmmm.........I don't know. But, I do know what I am going to get..."

I look at him quizzically and ask what that would be.

"I am going to get the double fudge cookie dough."

My mouth drops as I gape at him. Of all the people in the world I have come to like the one person I know that actually has the same favorite blizzard type as me. I am amazed.


"You guessed my favorite blizzard!" I say laughing.

He looks confused before realizing we have the same favorite. Shaking my head I just laugh at his mental slowness. Seriously, he is one of the smartest friends I have but if we're not in school he is one of the slowest. Sighing, I mentally face palm myself laughing at my luck.

Sooner than I would have liked, we pull into the Dairy Queen parking lot and into a parking spot. Chase moves to unbuckle his seat belt and get out but before he can I ask if we can wait in the car.

"Are you cold?" Chase asks.

"No, it's just that Maggie and Paul are going to be a while because they need to take pictures for the school newspapers and I know a couple of friends who are going to stop and congratulate them and it's going to be a little while until they get here so I would rather just wait in the car if you don't mind."

He smiles and nods his head and leans back in his chair. It feels like time is dragging along as we silently sit there. Pretending to look out the window is getting pretty boring so instead I turn up the volume on the radio.

As I'm jamming out to "Stereo Hearts" Chase slides his hand over to hold mine. A couple more moments pass before he turns to look at me. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I see him watching my reaction while he is still processing something. Slowly he leans in and before I realize what he's doing, he has one hand caressing my face while he has my mouth captivated by his own. Heat spreads from the roots of my hair to my newly painted toe nails as his plush lips are pressed against mine. His eyelashes tickle my cheeks and his warm palm starts to sweat against my face as the car heats up with my rising temperature. Soon, there is no space between him and me as we both have scooted closer and closer while feverishly kissing each other. His mouth is warm and soft and as inviting as chocolate as I crave for more.

*knock knock knock*

I almost didn't hear the slight tap on the window but turning around I see Maggie and Paul standing outside my door bent over laughing. Both are gasping for air with their hands holding their bellies as they wheeze. I frown and turn to Chase.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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