Chapter 3: Suck Up

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It was a week later and I still hadn't seen or heard from Chase. It almost felt like he had never even talked to me in the first place, let alone made a bet that would change the last half of our senior year. Soon, Friday rolled around along with the weekend, promising sunny days with lots of heat. Some of my friends were planning on going roller skating and had asked if I wanted to go. Being a senior in high school, we had to appear mature so of course I said yes. We were all getting together at lunch in the outside cafeteria area to plan the date and time. Craving something light and fresh, I grabbed a salad from the cafeteria and headed outside.

"Trying something healthy are we?" Said a smooth voice that appeared out of nowhere.

I continued walking as I felt, more than saw, Chase stroll up and match my walking pace.

"It's nice to know you took my advice to heart" he continued.

I turned to face him an stated bluntly "What advice? Last I remember, you were teasing me and calling me fat! Or was it out of shape? Same difference, really."

"Yes, and now you are trying to eat healthy" he said while smiling brightly.

"Whatever. What do you want?"

"I want to see and talk to you."

I looked at him in amazement. "You? You want to talk to me? Why? It's been a week since we made the deal and I haven't seen you once not to mention I didn't want to make that deal in the first place! Now go away 'cause I don't want to talk to you."

With that I stormed off to find a place to stand by my friends. Not two minutes had passed when I felt a strong hand grab hold of my shoulder and gently turn me around. Chase stood before me, one hand sliding through his bangs as he stared at the ground.

"Look Z, I'm sorry I was rude to you at practice. You're not fat. In fact, you're really athletic AND beautiful! I don't mean to get you so mad, I promise. I just wanted to get your attention."

With this he pulls a single yellow flower from behind him.

"I really am sorry..." he said sheepishly.

I had no idea why, but I felt bad for yelling at him just moments before. Maybe I should've chosen my words more carefully or not been so easily irritated by him.

"Well I'm not going to say it's okay because it's not, but I will accept the apology and the flower" I replied.

When I go to reach for the flower, he smiles and raises it above his head. Instead of a precious plant, I catch air and end up stumbling to regain my balance. Looking up, I realize that the flower is way beyond reach. Jerk!

"What the heck Chase! I thought you were giving me the flower as an apology?!"

"Do you really forgive me?" He says with his flirtatious smile. "Will you give me a second chance to make this work?"

At this, he gestured between him and I like he was acting out some 80's declaration of love. He pouted his lip for added benefit right before pleading at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Sure, Ill give you a second chance" I say, just to stop him from staring at me.

"Okay, then you may have the flowers...IF-"

"What?! There is no if!!! Give me the-"

"IF you eat lunch with me today" he continues, cutting me off.

He smiles at me like he just won a prize from a name-drawn give away as he waits for my reply. I would love to smack that smile right off his pretty face...

"Fine. Where are we going?"

He smirks at me as he sets his finger on his chin. Acting like he was deep in thought, he states that we could go to his house.

"Heck no! I am not going anywhere like that with you! Not until I at least know you a little better!"

"Well, I had to try. We still have a bet to settle you know."

After a few more minutes in thought, he suggested we go to the park down the street and I agreed. Because spring is just now coming into season, there is a slight breeze so not many people are at the park. We decide to sit on a hill that overlooks the swing sets. I begin to dig into my salad but Chase pulls out two sandwiches. The good kind that you can only get at a sandwich station with freshly baked bread and raw ingredients.

"Where did you get those?" I asked like a toddler receiving a new toy.

"Uhh....the sandwich shop down the road? That is the place to get subs isn't it?" he chuckles as I glare at him.

"I mean how, weirdo. School was still going by the time you would have gotten it and returned to find me."

I open up the wrapping and find my all time favorite fillings! Stuffed inside like Thanksgiving dinner itself was thinly cut turkey, American cheese, pickles, tomatoes, olives, banana peppers and mustard!

"How the heck did you know what kind of sandwich I like?!"

"I did some research" he mumbled as he took an enormous bite of his own.

"Right...research." I emphasized this with air quotes giving him my famous 'you're stupid' look.

"Okay, alright. I may have overheard you telling your order when we went to our tennis tournament in Louiston a couple weeks ago."

"Wow... stalker much?"

"No" he defended himself as he chewed on another mouthful.

"You are definitely a stalker! I am being stalked!! Help! Help! I am being stalked!" At this I start to get up and fake cry for help, fully aware that no one was around. Setting his sandwich aside, he reached up and yanked me back down to sit next to him and hovered over me. For a second we locked eyes while waiting for the other person to move. Then suddenly, a sharp shock swept over my side as he started to tickle me. Screaming, I tried to roll away but he only laughed and rolled me right back. When he was satisfied after having tortured me, we ate the rest of our lunch quietly. Neither of us sure what to say to each other. After lunch, we walked back to the school where he proceeded to walk closest to the street so I wasn't anywhere close to the oncoming traffic. When we reached the campus, he suddenly stopped and turned me towards him.

"Can I have your phone number, Z?" He asked.

"Why would you possibly want that?"

"So I can text you when I arrive to pick you up" he stated in response.

"What?" My mouth dropped open as I replayed his words in my head. "When?"

"You know! When I pick you up to go roller skating! Tomorrow at five okay?"

"What do you mean?" I asked him. As far as I was concerned, he shouldn't have even known about our group going roller skating.

"My goodness Zoe. While you were getting that awful salad, Mags invited me to go with you guys tomorrow so I said I would pick you up so she wouldn't have to drive across town."

"You what?!"

I glared at Chase as I silently swore to myself to talk about this with Maggie and demand an explanation.

"Fine, here" I said as I begrudgingly gave him my phone number.

"See you tomorrow at five!" He replied brightly before pulling me into an embrace with my face smashed up against his chest.

With this, he turned and walked away while leaving me standing there like an idiot watching him depart.

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