The Bridge (Not edited)

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I park my car in the parking lot at the Lampson building by the cable bridge and walk to the middle of the bridge. Turning to the side I watch the sun glisten off of the water and see the boats down below soaring through the water. I breath in the mist of the Columbia River and smiled to myself. I was at peace, at least until my phone buzzed with a message from Chase.

"r u okay?"

I reply with a no and try to get connected to the world again when that buzzing sound of my phone's vibration sets my emotions on fire. I am seriously so not wanting to talk right now and all he does is try to start a chat with me??? Not cool.

"why babe?"

I scream as I get ready to throw my phone into the river. It's funny how this morning I was thanking God for saving my phone from water and now I was wishing that he would strike it with a lgihtning bolt. Slowly, very slowly, I calm myself down and pull my phone back into the safety of the bridge. I decide to reply calmly and rationally.

"no i am not ok bcuz my backstabbing friend decided to "chill" with the idiot and jerk who thinks he can get any girl he wants with just a snap of his fingers"

Satisfied, I hit SEND and waited for his smartaleck comeback. After a few moments, I felt the soft buzz of victory and I prepare myself for an argument. Instead I find this.

"im sorry its not what it looked like"

By this point I am raging with anger and fury. I felt like I was going to rip my clothes to shreds, grow four times as big and turn green just to start wrecking everything in sight.

"ya well u can take her to the dance instead cuz i dont believe u and i am tired of this crap its not like u wanted to actually date me or anything anyways"

I lock my phone as I let the tears drain my anger into the river to drown my emotions with sadness. I glance up to find another message signal. I read it and cry harder.

"dont say that u should kno by now that i like u and not maggie where r u???"

I dont reply as I lean over the edge daring myself to climb over and end everything. But that would be ridiculously stupid to jump off of a bridge for a guy. I rip myself from the amazing view seeing as I wasn't enjoying the silence at that moment and head for home to raid the fridge looking for ice cream.

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