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The next morning, I woke to find no one in the outlaws camp. It struck me as bizarre. Why would they leave me? I would not be safe like this.

Deciding to look outside, I gazed around Sherwood Forest and it was much larger than I expected. It was just infinite trees and shrubs. I looked past the camp and saw smoke coming from o'er the hill. Was Much still here?

I strolled to the fire finding Allan. He seemed to be the only one here. "Hello, Allan," I beamed, glad I wasn't alone. "How are you?"

Allan sat on a log surrounding the fire. He placed sticks inside the flames. "I'm doing okay, I guess." He pulled out some berries from his pocket. "Can I interest you in any berries? They are the best in all of England."

"Really?" I questioned, nodding. "Sure, what kind are they?"

He gave me some as I sat next to him on the log. "I'm not right sure but, they are very tasty." He finished the berries in his pocket with my help as we sat and listened to the sounds of the forest.

"Those were lovely, Allan," I grinned, "Thank you."

"Yeah, it's no problem." He scratched his neck, "I'm sorry about yesterday... for calling you a witch..."

"It's quite alright." I stuttered, "My explanation of my arrival must've sounded like some sort of foreign language."

Suddenly, there was an eerie sort of rustling in the forest. Allan frantically put out the fire and began to guide me back to camp. He took my hand and pulled me inside. I sat on a bed as he stood guard, holding his short sword. He looked carefully around as I watched him with admiring eyes.

Suddenly, as if he appeared out of thin air, Robin materialized with the rest of the gang causing Allan to jump out of fear.

"Allan, it's just us," Robin described as he sat on the bed next to me. "We have some news for, Julia, here."

"Truly?" I asked, hopeful for some sort of 'we found a time machine and all you have to do is show up' type of thing but, that probably would not be the case.

"Well," Robin started, trying his best to tell me something that he didn't appear to want to, "Little John, you can tell 'er."

John glared at Robin, trying to think of something. Maybe I won't be going home. Maybe there isn't a way. John opened his mouth about to say something bit, closed it after mere seconds.

Djaq rolled her eyes, "No one is going to tell her?" Silence. "I will." She put her hand on my shoulder and guided me away from the group.

"What is it, Djaq?" I asked, hoping to get answers, not silence. "Is it something bad?"

"No, not at all," she spoke, shaking her head, "It's just that..." She paused, probably thinking of the right words to say to me, "It's just we have no idea how to get you home. We rummaged through five villages to see if anyone had information to help us. I'm sorry."

No way home? Gone forever? This was horrible! I smiled at Djaq faking my disappoint for her, "It's okay. Thank you for trying."

I shook my head. I didn't like this anymore. I would be stuck here forever in the freaking middle ages with nothing from the future.


Moments later after Djaq left, Allan came back over to where I was. He smiled, "Are you doing okay? I'm very sorry we couldn't you help out more."

"Don't apologize," I told him, "It's not your fault. You tried your best. So, um," I said, not really knowing what to say. Normally I would mention some kind of viral video or funny commercial but that was out of the question now. Allan wouldn't know what it was. "So, what do you do for fun around here?"

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