Saving the Locket

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It was dark before Robin came back to camp. It was abandoned except for Much and I. We were the only ones there. The others had left somewhere else. Before we parted, we decided that at nightfall we would return to camp unless we were already there. I observed the hill, waiting for Allan, Djaq and Will to return. The couple came rushing down to camp while Allan was nowhere to be found.

Robin followed them closely, with Little John trailing behind him. Much pulled out his dagger, wanting to wound John. I pulled back and closed my eyes, not wanting to see any violence. Robin stopped him and explained that Allan was the traitor.

My eyes fell to the ground. I was so sure that nobody had betrayed the gang. Then the leader told me that Allan was the reason my locket was missing. Allan had stolen it. I lowered and sat in the cot behind me, feeling beyond deceived. Why would he do such a thing?

The rest of the group was in disbelief. Djaq couldn't believe that he would stoop that low. John let out an angry yell before explaining to Robin how disappointed he was in his comrade. Will was silent. I think that he was the closest to Allan. Maybe he was his best friend. Much didn't really say anything either. He just gave me a side hug and vowed that he would get my locket back no matter what.

I was happy that he told me that but, I felt that actually getting it back was very improbable. It was known that Gisborne had it and it would be extremely difficult to get it. Much would have to face Gisborne himself. I didn't want him to be hurt.

Robin didn't want to dwell on this particular topic and I didn't blame him. The band made a circle around him as he explained a plan to go inside the castle to retrieve my locket. It involved the gang donning up as servants at a luncheon the sheriff was having while Robin would sneak around the castle, go into Guys chambers and hope to find the locket. While this plan was brilliant, I wondered what would happen if the locket was not found. Would Robin be stuck? Captured?

After a few more minutes of discussion, the gang unanimously settled on going to the palace. I was very cautious and nervous about what would happen. I trailed behind the gang as we began our walk to the castle. Much soon came up to me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me. I didn't say anything and just smiled, trying to pretend nothing was wrong. "Something's troubling you, isn't it?"

I nodded. "I'm anxious about this plan of Robin's. What if it doesn't work?"

It seemed as if Much knew where I was coming from. We stopped walking for a second and he clarified that even if Robin was apprehended that he would break free somehow, someway. He stated to me that it was something that could almost always be counted upon.

"Surely?" I questioned, still frightened.

Much beamed and nodded. "I promise you, Julia."


Shortly after the conversation, the gang arrived at the main town. The city around us bustled. Hoods covered our faces as we snuck up to the castle. It was bigger than I remembered it being. Guards stood at the gate, making sure no peasants would come inside to the meal. People, who looked like performers were being herded inside. Maybe that was our ticket?

We got in the long line in front of us, hoping to get in. Much got to the front of the group, while Robin disappeared into the crowd surrounding us. I tried to spot him but, it was too difficult.

After Much spoke with the knight, we were let in. I hurried up to him as soon as everyone was inside the foyer. I inquired what he had told the knight and he chuckled and said that he told him that we were performers. When I asked him what kind of performers, he replied that he didn't know. This caused me to giggle so loud that everyone around us gawked at us.

"Where's Robin?"

"He's gone inside the castle." Much stated. "He's trying to find your locket."

"You mean we're not going inside?" I questioned.

"Not unless we have to. We're doing that as a last resort." He gave me a side hug. "Your protection is very important."


We stood outside the castle for ten minutes, waiting patiently for Robin to return. Unfortunately, we were called inside to perform for the sheriff and the noblemen. The gang didn't have anything planned. I didn't know what we would do.

Much had a look of panicky anticipation on his face while the gang followed him with embarrassed unknowing smiles.

"What are we going to do?" I wanted to know. If we were to sing, I didn't know any songs from the middle ages. Not one. Maybe Greensleeves but, that was much later than now.

Much gave me a panicked, "I don't know."

Maybe I would have to sing Greensleeves. "Much, I can sing. Do you know Greensleeves?"

"Yes!" Much confirmed to my surprise. "I'll find a guitar to play."

The gang was led to the throne room. It was filled to the brim with nobles, lords and ladies. I was pushed to the front of the crowd and stood upon a stage with the outlaws surrounding me. I closed my eyes trying to remember the words to the song and began to sing. 


As applause filled the entire room, Robin emerged behind the nobles. The locket swung from his hand. He signaled for the gang to follow him. I bowed and ran, following Much, John, Djaq and Will to the back and out. The sheriff swiftly turned around and yelled, "Guards! Get them! It's Hood."

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