Robin Hood

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Robin Hood. That's all I could think about. I smiled just thinking about him and his band of merry men. If only I could meet them.

In my English class, I sat quietly waiting for the bell to let me free. Free from school for the day so that I could speedily complete my homework to read about the famed Robin Hood. The bell rang and my wish was granted.

Scurrying down the halls I went to my locker and retrieved my books. I, out of habit, ran to the bus when, to my amazement everything changed around me. I was no longer in the school but, in a forest. My uniform vanished and I was now wearing a peasant's dress. I looked for my book bag but, it was no where to be found.

Suddenly, I tripped over a branch. I was in a forest. There was nothing but trees surrounding me here, nothingness. I had no idea where I was and I was alone. My heart raced as i realized that this was my reality now.

I didn't know why I was here but, there was no way to get back to where I came from. I slowly got up to look around the woodland.

"I wonder where I am." I noted to myself quietly.

Instantly I heard running from behind me. "Run!" A man with bows on his back yelled. "Get to camp." They rushed into the woods until they were out of sight.

I hid behind a tree and watched for the people who were chasing the small group. Who was that anyway, I thought to myself.

Moments later, knights on horses were in the area. "I want them found, Gisborne." A man said who was perched high on his horse. Perhaps he was the sheriff here. Gisborne nodded and went ahead with the knights leaving one to remain with the man.

The accents they had had told me where I was. I was in the England or somewhere close by. And the fact that there were knights had set many speculations off in my head. Perhaps I had traveled to the past... Perhaps, I--

I coughed without meaning to and the man whom I thought was the sheriff looked toward the tree I was hiding behind. 'Great,' I thought, 'What a perfect time to cough. You're going to get yourself killed.'

"What do we have here?" The man said. "Come out, you have nothing to be afraid of." I didn't believe him though, he had a rough all powerful look about him. It appeared he could command an army at the snap of a finger.

Slowly and reluctantly I agreed to come out. My heart raced as I looked up to him who was mounted on his horse.

"La-di-da-di-da." The man almost sung. "I'm glad you came out." He looked towards the knight. "Tie her up."

The knight nodded and stepped off his horse, following his instructions "Yes, sheriff."

"No, please!" I cried, helpless, "I didn't do anything!" I stood alone with nothing to protect me; I tried to push away the knight to prevent my hands getting tied.

The sheriff laughed at me as the knight managed to tie my hands behind my back, "Of course you didn't." The presumed sheriff chuckled to himself in a mockery. "Only everyone in these woods aids Robin Hood. Hood is my enemy, my dear girl. Are you innocent?" He paused a moment before I could say another word, "A clue? No."

"Sheriff," A voice bellowed from amongst the trees; The same voice that said 'Run' earlier. "Let her go."

I looked around the area and tried to spot my rescuers. I saw nothing but falling leaves and my two captors.

"And why should I, Robin?" The sheriff asked, looking down at me. "She's not innocent as are all who are with you."

"Let her go."

An arrow was shot over the sheriff's head barely missing him. He eyed the tree the arrow had stuck into. It was still shaking against the bark. "You'll have to do better than that If you want to kill me. Besides," he sighed, "You wouldn't really kill me, Hood. It's not your style."

Robin laughed with great gusto, "Oh really? Try me." He shot another arrow, this time through the knights chest. He fell behind me. I gasped and continued looking for Robin. "I'll get you next, Sheriff, if you don't hand over the girl."

"You can have the girl. What importance is she anyway." The Sheriff madly rode off. He didn't seem to think Robin would do it but, gave into what he said anyway. "Gisborne!!" He yelled, as he rode off.

Robin ran below to me from atop a hill. His men followed behind. "I'm Robin Hood." He quickly untied me and bowed gallantly before me. "Allow me to introduce my gang: This is Much," he pointed to the members, "Allan, Will, Djaq and Little John."

"Little John?" I scoffed, still a bit scared of my previous encounter. "He's not so little."

Robin laughed and faced John, "I told you she would say that. They always do."

Allan walked forward, "You got a name?" He helped me up.

"Julia," I said, "Please call me Julie. That's what my father calls me anyway."

"What village are you from? We should get you back there as soon as possible." Robin said.

"How'd you get to the middle of Sherwood anyway?" Djaq asked."Hardly anyone comes out here."

"I'm not from any village." I said. "I just mysteriously disappeared into this forest from my school." The outlaws gave me strange looks. "I'm not sure how I came to be here."

Much laughed as soon as I stopped talking. "Quite a sense of humor you have, Julie. Where are you really from?"

I looked at him with seriousness on my face. "I'm telling you the truth. I promise." I smiled, "Let's see, um, I was just walking to the bus and I---"

"What's a bus? What are you saying?! You must be some sort of witch or something. You know what, Robin," Allan said, "We should have let the sheriff keep her."

"Allan, we are not bringing the sheriff into this." Robin turned to me. "Julia, it will be alright. I trust you. We won't let him get to you." He put his hand on my shoulder. "I solemnly swear. We'll figure out how to get you back where you came from."

"But Robin," Allan protested, " After all the nonsense she has spoken... "

"Allan, it's alright." He turned to face the rest of the gang, "Anyone who wants to help Julie say 'I'."

Almost instantly there was a unanimous 'I' even though Allan had reluctantly agreed to help. I let a smile cross my face as I was blindfolded and led to the camp.

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