Locket Lost

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Julia looked beautiful the next morning. She was still asleep when I awoke to begin cooking breakfast. I decided not to wake her unlike I usually did. Nobody else was awake as I glanced around the camp, picking up the buck that was in storage. Suddenly, I noticed Allan wasn't there. I swiftly left the hideout, frantically looking for him. It was quiet, no one was around for miles. Where on earth was he?

"Allan," I quietly hollered, as I picked up some wood. "Allan! Where are you?"

A few moments later, as I put the sticks in the pile, I was startled by him. He snuck up behind me. I jumped which caused him to roar with laughter.

"It's not funny, Allan." I frowned, "You shouldn't sneak up on anybody. Where were you anyway?"

Allan stuttered. He thought I wouldn't have asked him. "I was, um, just taking a morning walk."

He was lying. He always stammered when he lied. I folded my arms, annoyed that he wouldn't tell me the truth. I had to drag it out of him. Deciding to act foolish, I said, "Really? Miles away?"

He nodded. Getting him to talk would not be easy.

I tried again, "Where were you really?"

"Really." Allan fibbed. Obviously, I wasn't going to get the truth. "I was on a morning walk to Nottingham."

Okay. I guess I'll have to play along to his lie. I nodded, "How was it?"

"Great, actually." He held out his hand, showing me a small bag. "I took some gold from a sleeping knight."

I still didn't believe him but, he had proof. "Very good. Put that in the chest at camp." I faked a smile as he disappeared. Something wasn't right.


I dished up the plates and walked back to camp. Julia smiled at me in delight as I gave her a plate and sat next to her. Her smile was the prettiest I had ever seen. I imagined in the future I wouldn't see a sweeter smile.

She wouldn't stop talking about how exciting yesterday was. Noticeably her fear had worn off. "I hope we go on another mission soon. Do you know if we're doing anything today?"

I glanced at Robin who was quietly thinking. Maybe he had a plan.

Suddenly Julia frowned. It was strange, just a moment ago she was smiling with happiness. "What's wrong, Jules?"

She was touching her collarbone furiously. "I can't find it, Much. I've lost my locket."

Oh no. The gang stopped talking around us. Robin instructed a search of the camp. Djaq rummaged through the leaves below us while Will and Little John scanned the beds and the posts holding them up. Allan and I looked through our storage and quickly scanned through the gold and treasures we had acquired.

Robin was, meanwhile, asking where Julia had last seen it. I heard her describe how she had it on last night but, didn't notice it was missing until now. He scowled, probably trying to think of something to tell her.

So far, the gang had found nothing. It seemed that it wasn't anywhere. In my mind, I was thinking about Allan and how he was gone this morning. Maybe he saw something. In the very back of my mind, I wanted to blame him but, why would he do such a cruel thing to somebody so sweet?

"Allan," I asked, "Did you see anything this morning?"

"I'm sorry to say that I didn't, Much," Allan said, in a defensive manner.

I nodded, not wanting to start a fight with an ally. He continued looking in a barrel. I frowned. The locket just had to be here. I didn't want to let Julia down.


After we had searched the entire camp, for almost an hour, I was sorry that we found nothing. There didn't seem to be even a trace of the locket anywhere. I again sat by Julia who had a sad grimace etched on her face. I didn't want her to be sad.

"Much," She sighed, "Do you think it's gone forever?"

"No," I assured her. "We'll find it for you. I promise."

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