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An hour had passed, and the sheriff and Guy were still outside. They were quieter now than before but, Guy was pacing crudely. I could hear his every move as the dry leaves crumpled under his leather boots. The sheriff, on the other hand, was trying to lure Much out. Sporadically, he would lie and say I would come to no harm. Much and I knew that was a barefaced lie. We weren't as stupid as the crazy sheriff thought we were.

I had moved towards the back of the dark cave while Much continued to stand towards the opening, protecting me. He held his shield with confidence and had his hand on his sword which was in a holster his left pocket. He was ready for any moment of danger.

"You know I thought Robin would be here by now," Much sighed, looking back at me. He gazed around the corner, glancing quickly outside, "We need some reinforcements. The sheriff is growing irritated and I'm scared that Guy is going to rush us."

My love looked down in gloom and I stood, hugging him from behind. He glimpsed down and caressed my face, I closed my eyes and he kissed me. "I love you, Much."

Knowing he would say it back I opened my eyes but, something had changed. The world outside had become unnervingly quiet. Too silent. Much delicately pushed me back to the back of the cave and I willingly did so. Something was wrong. Much put his finger to his lips, signaling for me to stay quiet. I nodded back in response.

"We have had enough," the crooked sheriff roared. He paused and whispered, trying to conceal his words nevertheless, I heard him. "Now, Gisborne."

I quickly slammed my eyes shut, not wanting to see Much get wounded. After hearing yelling and a crash, I opened my eyes. Much had a sword to his neck, and he was seized by a knight. Swallowing, I tried to back away from a dark silhouette rushing towards me. Nothing was behind me, but rock and I was stuck.

Much thrashed about in the arms of the knight. "No, no, no," he shouted. "Julia, Julia!"

The dreadful knight shushed him, bring the sword ever closer to his neck. Much was silenced but, his face was brushed with agony. It hurt me to see his face that way, it always broke my heart.

The shadowy figure came into view and I saw him; Guy of Gisborne. He had ominous blue eyes that seemed to pierce into my soul. This was vastly different from the last time I saw him. Gisborne was trying to impress Marian and his eyes were affectionate and caring. Evil, I learned, changes the eyes. Kicking at him, I wasn't able to wound him enough to get away. He recoiled in pain and still managed to grab me by the shoulders.

"No please," I begged as I was led, or rather dragged, outside. My feet shuffled quickly, trying to keep up with Guy. He was fuming. "Why are you doing this?"

"For the good of Nottingham." Guy sternly said as he presented me to the sheriff. "We need to teach Robin a lesson. Everyone he helps will die. You are our first example."

Much was trailing behind us and he finally appeared outside the cave. He desperately tried to get out of the knights' hold. To our disappointment, he was immovable.

Perched upon his horse, the sheriff scowled at Much with a malicious grin, "Say goodbye to your friend and let this be a lesson to Hood."

Much turned to the knight and Guy, "Can I say goodbye?"

Guy nodded, "If you try anything, she'll die sooner."

He agreed and was freed by the knight. Much hurried over to me, embracing me instantly. I buried my head into his shoulder. Tears welled in my eyes. I didn't want to say goodbye. Leaving Much would be excruciating. Even more painful though would be the heartache I knew he would suffer when I was gone. Djaq had told me that Much was a cheerier soul with me around and now he would be a disheartened, lovesick man.

"Much," I said, looking up at him, "I'll see you again, okay?" I caressed his face tenderly.

He looked down at me with brown eyes that were sad and struggling to be courageous. "I don't want to lose you. You're my everything, Julia."

About to talk, I was interrupted. "Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock." The sheriff hummed, frustrated at our parting words. "This is taking too much time. Gisborne do it now."

The knight sprang into action taking Much as we tried to kiss one last time. "I love you, Much." I yelled.

He grinned as tears ran down his face, "I love you." His voice was quiet, and tear filled.

My heart was breaking as I soon stood alone. Guy drew his sword.

I closed my eyes, then it happened. 

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