The Photograph

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The gang rushed to the courtyard as I trailed them. Much trusted that I was behind him and didn't hold onto my hand. That upset me but, I knew the urgency of the situation. As I scampered down the steps, the last person behind the gang, I was suddenly hauled away with someone's hand in front of my mouth.

I tried to kick the person, hoping they would let go. Shouting, the gang didn't hear me as I only was able to let out a hushed yelp. As I met the gaze of the person holding me, I knew it was Gisborne. His light blue eyes peered at me in anger as he lugged me in the castle. A knight roughly took my arm as I was rushed to the sheriff alongside Gisborne. He looked proud as he presented me.

The sheriff cackled quietly, "What do we have here Gisborne?" He hesitated, and looked at me as if I was gold, "Oh, the girl. Hood will fall right into our trap when he comes back." His eyes moved to the knight. "Take our little guest to the dungeon. You need not be gentle." The knight crudely pulled me down the stairs to the dungeon as I screamed for Robin Hood.

It was scary there like death had a permanent home there. The jails were faintly lit with people in them being tortured and starved. I prayed I would not have that fate. The knight threw open a cell and put me in it. He was about to walk away but, I asked him his name.

"Leif," was what he said. To my surprise he was just a adolescent man, couldn't have been much older than I. He gave me a quick grin and apologized for what he had done.

"Why do you do this?" I inquired. "You obviously want no part in it."

"I have to." He sighed, "My mum and me dad are hungry. This is the only way to help them." I could tell he cared greatly about his parents and hated his job. It was something he had to do. "Knights don't get taxed as heavily as peasants."

"Oh," I said. "Lief, do you know what they will do to me?" I was just taking in all the cruelty around me. "I'm scared."

His voice was low, "I don't know. I'll help you the best I can. I've got to go now," he said speedily.

I quietly waved at him with a small panicked smile. This is going to be a long night, I thought to myself.


The next morning, I woke up groggy and at first, unaware I was in the middle ages. Then when I saw my surroundings and the tortured souls I knew where I was. It wasn't a dream.

Guy came bounding down the stairs and told a knight to open my cell. "Sheriff wants to see you," he said in an unfeelingly tone, leading me to the throne room.

"Hello, my dear," the sheriff started off, "Are you excited to be a wager in our little game with silly little Robin Hood?"

I was scared stiff. He glared at me, expecting some sort of answer, "No! Robin will save me."

Vaisey snickered, "That's what we're counting on, dear." He put his finger in the air, "Hold on a moment, we need to be informed of your name for the note."

"Julia," I stuttered. I felt afraid, as if I said too much I would be put to death or something just as awful.

"Oh, Julia," the sheriff bellowed, almost laughing, "Brilliant. Gisborne, inform the scribe."

"Yes, sheriff," Guy responded. "What do you want me to do with her? Back to the dungeon?"

"Actually, I'd like to talk with her about Robin Hood. Bring her here." He pointed to a chair that was directly across from him. Guy did as he was told, and I sat in the hard chair, "Thank you."

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