Found Out

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I was in disbelief that Robin had chosen John as the traitor. How could he have reached that conclusion? Robin suggested that we go our separate ways while he went back to the castle to chatter with Marian. As I walked back to camp, my head hung low. I was beginning to feel guilty and remorseful because Robin had picked the wrong man. It was me. 

 Guy had given me money for favors that I was doing for him. I would often tell him to avoid the north road. Things that would help him avoid Robin. He knew that the gang was helping Julia in Sherwood forest and presented a handsome price for her imprisonment but, I would only agree to give him her cherished locket. 

Looking back, I should not have done it. I thought about the locket that I had given Guy. It was obvious to me now how much Julia cared for it. Perhaps if I brought it back, my troubles would be no more and the guilt I felt would be erased. The rest of the gang departed away from camp, Will and Djaq walked together trying to make sense of what had just happened, and Julia was helping Much find firewood for dinner later that evening, while I began to walk towards the castle. 

 As I made my way to the town, I thought about what I would tell the serving girl and what I would tell her. Maybe something like, "Keep the money, have Guy give me the locket." My stride became slower as I thought of the many things that I had done to aid Gisborne. Just recently, I told him to avoid the North Road. 

 Soon, I was at the small tavern. The room was empty, only with dozens of candles lighting the dark room. The serving girl was by herself, almost pacing. Obviously, I was late. She picked up the small bag and threw it on the table in front of me. 

 "Gold," she exclaimed, "What'd you give him? Must've been important." 

 I didn't say anything and pushed the coinage towards her. Glancing around quickly, I was afraid that Robin would waltz in at any moment. "Tell Guy to keep this and that I need that locket back. I want no part in this anymore." 

 The girl sneered, "A locket, yeah? It's a bit late for integrity now, isn't it?" 

 I nodded. "At least I've changed. Tell Guy I need the locket." 

 "I'm afraid I can't get it back for you. Gisborne said that a deal is a deal," the girl grimaced. 

"Plea," I began. Before I could finish, an arrow shot into the bag in front of us. Robin. He was here. As Robin came in, the look he had on his face was full of disappointment. I didn't want to meet his gaze because of how ashamed I was. He moved closer to me, forcing our eyes to meet. The girl disappeared, and I was left alone. 

 "What of John?" I questioned before anything could be said. 

"It was an act, Allan. Only the serving girl and Gisborne knew who was guilty. I knew the spy would want to cover his tracks so, I came here after speaking to Marian." He came closer, "It could have been anybody who turned up here but, it was you, Allan." 

 I attempted to explain what I had told the serving girl but, he wouldn't listen to me. "I've changed," I began. "I didn't accept it, I gave the money back."

 Robin shook his head. "You betrayed us. You betrayed the kingdom and Julia. Julia is vulnerable here and she trusted us. You cared more about few gold coins that helping her. I don't know what you've told Gisborne." 

 "He imprisoned me and tortured me, Robin. I had no choice." I quickly thought back to when Guy had branded me. 

 Robin frowned and yelled, "Everything we do is a choice."

I huffed, "That's easy for you to say. You're the one that gets all the glory, man. I'm just in the background making all easy for you." I paused and changed my angry, annoyed tone, "Give me another chance, please Robin." Robin pulled out a dagger and I begged for my life. I closed my eyes as he slashed my shirt. 

"You are lucky to still have a life after what you have done." The blade was lowered, "I never want to see you again." Robin left me, and I was all alone. 

 The next morning, I went to Locksley manor, Guy's residence. After going through his useless guards, I ventured to join his team. Somehow, I convinced him. 

 (This chapter is highly based upon the Robin Hood episode Ducking and Diving and For England. The quotes used, except for a few, are my own and I have changed the plot of that episode to fit this story.)

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