The Cave

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The days following my rescue were filled with action. With Allan in the castle, nobody was redirected. The north road was as busy as it had always been, I was told. Every day, we were able to take from the rich and give to those in need. Of course, Robin conducted all the negotiating while the gang hung back with smiles and swords in hand. The busyness in the day made Robin and the gang very glad.

Their minds were off of Allan's betrayal. Nobody in the past few days had mentioned him. While I knew they missed him extremely, he was never talked about. I could appreciate why, and I had been directly hurt by him as well. Mentioning him would be like putting salt in a fresh wound for all of us. Currently, I sat on a log surrounding a fire that Much had made to cook dinner. He sat cutting carrots and was thoughtfully humming to himself. His mood seemed to have lightened in the past few days too. The day I was rescued, he was happy but, I could see that he still had lots of fear.

The rest of the gang sat in the camp while John stood watch. Behind him, in the heart of the hideout, Robin, Djaq, and Will were making a plan to get back my mother's locket. It was a common topic these last few days. When most of the meetings went on, Much and I would normally walk around the forest. He held my hand and always smiled the most handsome grins.

"Much," I questioned, getting bowls ready for the soup. He was almost finished, "When do you think they'll go to the castle? It's been four days."

"I know, Julia," Much whispered, dishing up the stew. "They just want to make sure it works with the four of them. Robin told me he doesn't want you near the castle at all and I agree with him."

"I know and that's so thoughtful of him," I agreed. "Why would it take so long to formulate a plan though?"

Much shrugged and looked down at the steaming stew in the bowls. "Dunno. Let's get everyone over here. Dinner is ready."


The next morning, I was awoken by Much. As I sat up, I saw that he was hastily packing a small bag. Looking at his face, I saw that he was thinking about something. I opened my mouth, about to ask something, but Much put a finger to his mouth letting me know not to talk.

'Why?' I mouthed as Much pointed to get away from the camp. Before parting, I looked around hoping to study the other outlaws faces but, they were gone. It was only Much and I.

He took my hand and we ran to the north towards a dense part of the woodland. The trees were so close together I thought that I would be lost from Much just by standing next to him. He held my hand tighter as I did his. He could always tell when I was frightened.

"Much, where are we going?" He scanned around the forest, appearing to make sure that no one was around to watch us. "Where is everyone?"

"We are going to hide out in a cave until everyone comes back." Much smiled, leading me to an opening in the rock we were now standing in front of. "They went to get your locket."

"I see," I said, walking in first letting go of Much's hand. He was close behind me. "Why all the secrecy? Isn't camp safe?"

"We just wanted to make sure you were safe, Julia." Much stroked my face, "I couldn't bear to lose you again."

"You haven't lost me, Much." I gleamed, as he caressed my ear, "I'm right here." I kissed him.

He sat down at the far edge of the small cave, his knees near his face. Something was troubling him. After the many walks in the forest with him, I felt like I knew him pretty well. He never sat like that unless he was stressed out about something. Much did that a few days ago but, his tension about me faded and he sat normally again.

"Much, what's wrong?" I questioned, thinking he was scared of what might happen to me and him being away from Robin.

He looked at me as I sat down next to him, "I don't like caves much, Julia. It reminds me of my mum and dad." Much peered down at his feet, shuffling them back and forth in discomfort.

I didn't want to make Much even more uncomfortable, so I didn't ask what happened to them. To my knowledge, he didn't have any family. He was the only one. Robin was the closest thing that he had to a brother and when he met the gang, they promptly became like family. He often told me about the ventures of him and Robin before and throughout the holy war, sparing me the ghastly details of war. Much was mute for a moment before continuing, "It's rather gloomy in here, isn't it?"

"Yes," I said, holding his hand. "What can I do to make you better?"


Suddenly, as if on cue, we heard whispers from outside. They hushed themselves somehow knowing we were listening. Much put his finger to his lips and stood, making his way towards the opening. If it was the gang, they would have just walked in, not shush themselves.

Much gazed out and quickly turned back. His face showed shock but, he was also trying to hide it. He flashed a quick grin but, his face turned back into concern.

"No, no, no," he whispered, in annoyance. "It's the sheriff and Guy."

"How did they know we would be here?" I questioned, although my thoughts went fleetingly to Allan. He knew where we would hide. They probably used this cave before. It was a great hiding spot.

Much furrowed his brow, "Allan."

Allan. He sounded dismayed just saying his name. All of the hurt and betrayal that was forgotten was now coming back in one quick flash. I thought of Allan being outside right now. He had made it clear several times that he wanted to change but, he was always leading the sheriff to the gang and me. It made me wonder if he was actually sorry.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the Sheriff speak. He was speaking to us, "We know you're in there. Come out, come out," he hummed.

Much rolled his eyes and we didn't respond.

"You know," the sheriff continued, "I thought Robin Hood would be smarter. How foolish of him to leave the witch all alone with a dimwitted defender."

I scowled at the opening of the cave, wanting to give the stupid men outside a piece of my mind. I stood up behind Much, leaning close to his ear. "You are not dimwitted." 

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