Dear readers,

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I- it feels like forever since I've talked to you guys. first thing, i really missed every one of you.

i don't even know where to begin. i noticed i haven't updated in about a year. this past year, I've had an absolute roller coaster ride. there have been many ups and downs in my life lately and i lost sight of the truly important things in my life and the things that made me happy, like writing for all of you guys. i don't know what happened today, but something told me that i needed to reread some of my story and some of my comments. i realized some of the comments are from a few hours ago, i got votes an hour ago. you all are still here, and i wasn't. i wanted to tell you how sorry i am for that.

it may just be me, but some story's on this app are an escape from everything i have to deal with. i apologize if i took that away from anyone. i'm not even sure if anyone will even read this, but i'm going to have some faith and go for it, because writing is something that i love to do and i am very mad at myself for forgetting that.

lastly, i just wanted to say, the past year for me has been rough. the past few months especially. i need a break from reality and i am going to work to make this it. i love you all more than you know. you have supported me so much this past year and i gave you nothing in return and for that i am sorry.

now, i hate all that mushy lovey stuff but whatever. i love you all 3000 and i hope you haven't given up on me.


author L <3

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