CH- 2 Vigilantly

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*Izuku's POV

In this world, many things can go wrong. Heroes are supposed to be the force of good against evil but more often than not, they are biased pieces of trash. If someone had a villain quirk, the Heroes would not try to help them. They would also look down on those without quirks. It is nighttime in the city. The full moon is out and on a large building, someone is perched. That someone is me, Izuku. I crouch on the ledge at the top of the building, looking out in the city. I pull a cigarette out of my pocket and stick it into the side of my mouth. I flick my hands to the side and right as it makes contact with the tip of the cigarette, I snap my fingers. A small fire appears in that short time to light the cigarette. The smoke waves up to the sky. I look down at the city below and see some sirens off in the distance. They are closing in on the robbery. I see that they are still at least 5 minutes away from intercepting.

'Time to start.'

I jump down, plummeting head first at the ground. I shoot flames out of my feet to propel me further. I flip mid air and slam my feet on the pavement right outside of the bank. Dust billowes out from the impact and I stroll on inside. I kick open the door and I see the robbers with shocked faces. There are about 11 of them in total. They are all holding guns, ranging from AK-47's to MP-5's.

"Who the hell are you?" Robber 1 shouts.

I smile and reply.

"Here, I will give you my card." I say.

I create a deck of cards out of the fire and pull one card out. I fling the joker card at him and it impales itself into his chest.

"That does it. OPEN FIRE!" Robber 2 shouts.

They begin to pull the triggers but I smile. They get confused faces when the bullets fall to the ground after leaving the barrels. I just weakened the explosion inside to prevent them from hitting me me.

"YOU BASTARD!" Robber 3 shouts.

He looks a lot buffer than the others. He uses his quirk to make himself stronger as he approaches me. He slams his fist into my face but I don't move an inch. I smile even wider as his face looks on in shock. I take a step forward and an explosion rocks the building. Robber 3 flies backwards from the force of the explosion. I crack my neck and my knuckles as I take another step forward. Two more robbers start to charge me but I flick my hand in the air and lightning hits them in the chest, knocking them out for the count. One tries to hit me with a beam of energy but I duck and create a fire bow and shoot an arrow at him. It impales him in the chest and I clench my hand into a fist. The arrow then explodes and knocks the guy into a wall.

"5 down, 6 to go." I say as I turn to the others.

Finally the leader steps out and turns to me. He disappears and appears behind me. I feel hundreds of punches hurtle into my body as I struggle to stay standing. I finally collapse to the ground exhausted. The smoke from my cigarette has spread throughout the room everyone was in.

"Alright men, MOVE OUT!" the leader shouts attempting to get his remaining men out of there.

I smirk and slowly start to get up. As I get up I start to sing.

(watch from 2:02 to the end. Forget about the other people and imagine the robbers all near their leader.)

"They say I'm a midnight thinker... Yea. A smoker yea."

Suddenly four other people appear around everyone.

"A joker... Yea."

Suddenly, bone chilling laughs could be heard echoing through the room. What seems like a large joker appears out of the floor and smiles creepily at them. It suddenly starts to speak.

"What's the matter? You were wrong?"

"Why did you think I was all alone?" My clones and I say.

"Answer that you stupid piece of crap." the joker said.

Random colors appear and bright lights. The whole scene looks like something out of an acid trip. I then start to explain what is going on.

"The smoke from these leaves has a heavy psychedelic effect. I have gotten very good at making stuff that is very bad. It does not affect me because of my quirk... so I felt I could use it with wild abandon."

I then throw a card at his hand, slicing it clean off. Smoke is now filling the bottom of the room making waves. The leader holds his stump up with blood shooting up and out of the wound as he screams in shock and pain. I disappear in the smoke and reappear behind the robbers. I launch forward with my joker card and slice them all into small chunks in a fraction of a second.
"JOKER RUSH!" I shout the name of my new move.

I toss the card onto the ground as my new calling card and stroll out of the bank leaving behind a pile of corpses. There are still some people alive for the heroes to question. I shoot flames out of my feet and shoot away from the scene right before the police turn the corner.

*Pov of Nezu*

I walk onto the scene of the crime. I have been previously briefed about what happened. I was accompanied by Aizawa, AKA Eraser Head. I take a look at the scene that was preserved. A large pile of human chunks lay in the middle of the floor. Some of the officers had to excuse themselves to vomit at the horrendous sight. Something catches my eye near the corpses. I walk over to it and I see some fire holding its shape. I have one of the officers photograph it before I pick it up.

"Aizawa, what do you think it is?" I ask.

"Well, It seems to be a playing card made out of fire. It also seems to be the joker card."

As I try to inspect it closer, it starts to disappear. As it vanishes, everyone in the room hears a bone chilling laugh that echoes around the room before going silent.

"Well, I guess we have a name for this vigilant, Joker." I say.

I go with Aizawa to watch the CCTV of what happened. After it finishes I am shocked to say the least. The person who did this seems no older than one of my first years.


"YEAAA!" I hear President Mic shout from UA.

"Yea?" Aizawa asks.

"If we can capture him, I want him in your class." I say.

Aizawa just nods and continues to watch Joker fight the villains. We would soon know that we may have just bitten off more than we could chew.

Words- 1145

I hope you enjoyed. I have a rough idea of where I am going with this story but I am still figuring some things out. It might take a while until I update again. Sorry about that. Comment what you think so far.

-Author out!

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