CH- 8 Camp Part 1

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*Izuku's pov*

Last time-

"If they decide to attack the camp, we give them hell." I said.

They both nod along. Soon the three of us are cackling like crazy people as our laughs lift up into the sky.

'Get ready LOV. We are coming for you.'


Monday, everyone was excited for the training camp. The class was bustling with activity as everyone was trying to get ready for the trip. Everyone was packing, running to grab something, or just chilling. Sadly everyone had to be in the 1-A dorm building so I had to go there. I was looking at pure chaos. People were running over each other, running into walls, or just jumping from 3 floors up.

'These people are insane.'

I grab my backpacking backpack and sit on the couch. I learned how to pack light when I was on my own. Soon Rumi comes in with three different bags. She slumps down next to me.

"Where is the rest of your stuff?" She asks.

I just lift my backpack in response.

"Wait, WHAT?! How does everything fit in there?" She practically shouts at me.

"After living on your own for a long time, in uncomfortable environments, you learn to only pack what you need and what is light. I bought a light sleeping bag that compresses so it does not take up much space or weigh a lot." I said.

She facepalms hard. I am sure that everyone heard the loud SLAP. I chuckled at this.

"Ok, next time you are helping me pack for something like this."

"I promise."

We both try to relax, but something makes us jump. Everyone freezes and looks to the stairwell.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Something was going down the stairs. Everyone was preparing to go into a fight before 2 girls appeared. Acid and Bundles of fun were coming down the stairs. Bundles of fun were helping Acid with her bag. Her bag was about as big as a shed.

"What, is she bringing her whole room?" Rumi whispered.

I stifle a laugh as I put my bag on. I checked the time and right as I was about to say something, Aizawa came into the room.

"Good you are all here and..." He looked at Acid's bag "Not going to acknowledge that. It is time to go. Everyone grab your things and load the bus."

Everyone was getting their things and I walked on the bus with my bag. I look back and see Acid dragging her bag closer and closer. She somehow gains super strength and tosses the bag on the top of the bus.

"No, don't you d-" I say before a huge dent appears over my head.

The bus shakes violently before settling. The class gets on and we begin our trip.


"Fucking kill me." Rumi said as the class was on jug 587 on the jug on the wall song.

For reference, they started at 1,000.

"Only if you kill me." I say.

We both let out a forced chuckle before we quiet down. For the next hour we are slamming our heads into the window.

"One jug of milk on the wall! One jug of milk! Take it down, pass it around, no jugs of milk on the wall!" They sing.

"Finally it is over." Rumi sighs in relief.

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