CH- 10 Infernal

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*Izuku's pov*

Last time-

Rumi froze in shock before a blue light surrounded her. Behind her was the showman. She turned into a blue marble and he pocketed it. A few others joined him. I tried to move, but I was too tired.

"Give her... back!" I shouted.

"We will meet again." the guy with scars said.

They disappeared in purple mist. I coughed up a ton of blood. Then, everything turned black.




A loud beeping noise alerted my consciousness. I slowly started to drift back to the land of the waking. A blinding white light shone against my eyelids as I lay still. Everything was sore. My head was spinning and I had one hell of a headache. I was very dehydrated.

'Must of overused my quirk.'

I could feel some tubes poking around in some places I need not mention. One tube was down my throat. It was probably a breathing tube since I know I collapsed a lung. My eyes slowly open to the blinding light. I squint as my eyes become more adjusted. I was in a hospital room. I probably could have inferred that but I was too tired. I carefully removed the tube that was down my throat. A beeping alert sounded and a nurse rushed in.

"Oh, you are awake. Here, let me help." He said. (guys can be nurses as well.)

He helped me remove the tubes that were in me, except the IV. Once that was done, he turned to me.

"You have some people that would like to come in. Should I let them?" He asked.

"*Sigh* yea. They probably want to know what happened." I said.

I needed to get out of here soon. I wanted to hunt down the bastards that took Rumi. I turned my head to the door when... a good majority of my class came in. Not all of them came in, thankfully. Boom boom, grapest, and some others did not show up. I silently thanked whatever deity there was.

"So Joker, you good bro?" Asked shark teeth.

"What do you care?" I snapped back.

There was silence for a time before bundles of fun spoke up and asked the million dollar question.

"Where is Rumi?"

Everyone stared intently at me, waiting for my answer.

"She... got captured. I thought I stopped them all, but some regained consciousness and took her." I said.

I slammed my fist onto a table and some items fell off.

"I need to find her." I whispered on a level where most of them could not hear. Only two of them heard me with their quirks. The others started talking amongst themselves.

"Why was she taken?"

"She did get 1st in the sports festival."

"Maybe they are going to try and turn her."

I could not take it any more. All of their useless talking on and on.

"SHUT UP!" I shout.

All of them stop dead. Flames danced on my blanket but I quickly snuffed them out. I threw them to the side and tried to stand. I managed, with difficulty. I had to hold onto something. My clothes were in tatters so I must look like a madman to them. I turn to... Momo, I think her name was.

The Fiery Smile (Joker Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now