CH- 5 1st Day

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*Izuku's pov*

Last time-

He stops right before the entrance to UA and I hear him mutter something under his breath.

"I made it mom."

He then continues to walk into his new school and his new home.



I follow Nezu to the dorm building that will be mine. My skin is practically crawling at the thought of working with heroes. It was either this or prison. If I went to prison, I could not help people. At least this way I can help others without the fake heroes bothering me. I walk inside the building and it looks like a hotel. It has a lounge area and a kitchen off to the side of the main entrance.

"This is your dorm. Your room is on the 5th floor. The other rooms are for you to do your work in. You are on the 5th floor because I know you will go out to help others and the top floor allows you to get out easier using the roof." Nezu said.

I nod in response and he walks away.

"Oh, before I forget. Your class is 1-A. I expect you to go to class tomorrow." Nezu said.

"Ug, FINE!" I say.

As he walks away, I resist the urge to flip him off. I go up to my room and see lots of boxes lingering outside. I decide that I will unpack tomorrow in my free time and walk over to my bed. I collapse on it, exhausted.

'This is the first time sleeping in a proper bed since that... incident.' I think.

I slowly drift off to sleep thinking of my mom.


In the morning, I get up early and shower. The hot water feels nice since this is the first proper shower I have had in a long time. I dry myself off and get into my uniform. I pull at the tie as it irritates my neck. Nezu left it already pre tied since I don't know how. I will have to learn soon. I still have a good 30 minutes until class. I quickly cook breakfast and brush my teeth. After I tend to my long hair and tie it off (Erin Yeager style) I put on my black sandals and walk to class. I wander around before I find the door labeled 1-A. I was roughly 3 minutes early. I am about to walk in when someone places their hand on my ankle. I look down and see someone who looks like a caterpillar. I soon realize that they are in a sleeping bag. They squeeze a juice pack before he speaks.

"Wait a second. I will announce you in since you are a new student. I am your homeroom teacher, Shoto Aizawa. You can call me Mr. Aizawa or Aizawa Sensei." He said.

He unzips his sleeping bag and gets out.

"I think I will call you Caterpillar. It suits you." I said.

His eyes flash red and his hair starts to float.

'Huh, he is Eraserhead. Interesting...'

"You will do no such thing." He said in a threatening voice.

"Really, I know who you are, but do you know who I am?" I ask.

"A new transfer student." He said.

"So that is what Nezu told you. Oh well." I say and let out a small laugh.

Aizawa gets a shiver down his spine as his eyes flash with recognition.

"I believe you saw my card. Now, let's get class started, shall we?" I say.

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