CH- 7 The Mall

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*Izuku's pov*

Last time-

"Now, just because you are going, does not mean you are completely off the hook. While there, you will review all of the things you did wrong on the written and physical part of the exam and work to fix them. Now, go and get things for your trip at the mall. You have the rest of the day to yourselves. Class dismissed." He said as he zipped up his bag and fell asleep instantly.

'Let's see what the big deal is with this training camp.'


The class dispersed and started chatting. Mina was taking charge on when to go to the Mall. I just tuned them out and decided to ask Rumi later. I go back to my dorm and slump into the couch. I lean my head back and close my eyes. My headache has gotten worse. It usually happens when I use my quirk for too long. I just get dehydrated. I let out a sigh and I heard some movement behind me. I quickly shoot my hand behind my head and catch a foot.

"Damn, I thought I had you that time you bastard." Rumi said disappointed.

"Fat chance. You will have to try a lot harder than that to catch me off guard." I said.

My customary smile gleams in the light. I light a cigarette and let the smoke waft up.

"So, when is this mall meetup?" I ask.

"Tomorrow at 10. We leave Monday so we go as a class to get things on Saturday, and get any last minute things done and pack on Sunday."


She flips over the back of the couch and lands on an open seat. I check my watch and look at the time. I get up off the couch and head to my room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Rumi asked.

"I am going to change into my workout clothes." I say waving over my shoulder as I walk away.

I get into my comfortable workout clothes and walk off to the gym. It was Friday and school was out. I was not expecting many people to be at the gym but I was sadly wrong. The red haired boy, Boom Boom, and short circuit were there. Some other people were there like the frog girl, acid girl, and bundles of fun. I shrugged and went on with my workout.

I started with a jog, then went for a lift. I loaded weights onto the barbell and started to lift normally. Everything was fine, until I heard someone speak.

"Oi! Deku! What the hell are you doing?" Mt Vesuvius shouts.

I ignore him and continue lifting.

"Are you trying to lift more than me?" He shouts at me.

I try to ignore him but it is getting harder and harder.

'Shut the fuck up before I throw this thing at you.'

"Hey Baku-bro. Leave him alone. It is for the best." Redhead said.

"Shut up Shitty hair!"

"Woah, hostility man."

'All of you shut up before I lose it.'

I could feel my feet start to emit small flickers of flames.

"Hey Momo, what do you think camp is going to be like?" Acid said.

"Well, it should be very informative. What about you Tsu?" Bundles of fun said.

"It will help us be heroes *Kero*" Froggie said.

'Please just 5 minutes of quiet and I will move on.'

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