CH- 3 New Enemies

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*Izuku's pov*

Last time-

I toss the card onto the ground as my new calling card and stroll out of the bank leaving behind a pile of corpses. There are still some people alive for the heroes to question. I shoot flames out of my feet and shoot away from the scene right before the police turn the corner.



I was flying in the air scanning the area. I saw a bunch of 'heroes' fighting these creatures with their brains exposed. The heroes were having a very difficult time fighting back. I suddenly slam down on the ground, causing a huge explosion to shake the ground. Everything turns to me and I just smirk.

"Well, this should be fun." I say as I light another cigarette.

One of the creatures starts to charge me but I turn it to ash with a lightning attack. I then condensed the smoke coming out of my cigarette and form it into a staff. I then use plasma to make a scythe blade on the staff. Another creature charged me but I cut it down. It died at a cellular level because of the plasma blade. The final creature turns to me. It looks strong. It could probably take on All Might.

'I might have to try this time.' I think to myself as it charges me and punches me into a wall.

I feel something like a chain latch onto my soul as I feel power erupt into me.

'Thank you evangelist. I will not disappoint you.'

I activate flamy ink. Orange lines appear over my body as I feel my power skyrocket. I add on my two devil eyes and fire flows up from them. My fists erupt in flames that soon darken as the rest of my body erupts in flames. (I think the girl in Amaterasu with the Edola burst has full body combustion that flames erupt from everywhere). I then use my flame to create my own reality where time is completely stopped. The side effect is that frost would suit my body but because of my flames, it melts away. I then use devil feet. I move so fast that my body literally breaks down into subatomic particles and reforms right as I hit the creature. I blitz forward and slam into the creature. My speed and power overwhelm it completely as it can't fight back. When I am like this, not even All Might could compare to me. The creature vaporizes at a cellular level as I feel my grace wear off. I deactivate my fire powers. Before me, stands a large blood stain and scorch mark on the ground. To everyone else, it just looked like the creature spontaneously combusted.

As I am about to walk away, I hear some heroes start shouting at me.

"Stop! You are under arrest for illegal usage of quirks, and vigilantism." One hero shouts.

"Oh, and what are you going to do about it?" I ask with a cocky smile on.

The heroes power up their quirks and charge me. I roll my eyes and press a button on my remote. Suddenly, a huge robot lands right behind me. I shoot some of my fire in its core. It powers on and it starts to mimic my motions. I roll my shoulders and look at the heroes.

'Five in total. Not a lot of strong quirks. I doubt they will be able to take me on.'

Three of them charge me. I shadow attack. I throw a punch and then swipe my hand to the side. The robot's extra reach goes an additional 20 feet ahead of me. They slam into the heroes that were charging me and they hit the wall with a resounding thud. The other two use water attacks at me, but the water evaporates 10 feet from me. I summon a symbol that represents a radiation symbol and launch an attack from it. The fire shoots out and releases low levels of radiation from it. The two water heros fly backwards and hit into the side of another building. I then take my robot and fly off.

'I need to get back to base. I need to do some more experiments.'

*Nezu pov*

I am currently pacing in my office about what to do. Having to deal with the Hero Killer Stain, running the school, dealing with the LOV, and finding more about this Joker fellow was stressful. I found out that Todoroki and Iida took down the Hero Killer but they needed to be reprimanded. As I was getting ready to relax and grab my gallon of LSD out of the milk jug, Aizawa and Mic rushed into my office.

"NEZU TURN ON THE TV!" Aizawa shouts.

I was thankful that it was not Mic as I don't think the school could handle his shouting with his quirk. I turn on the TV and Aizawa flips it over to the news channel. They were doing a report on an attack where heroes fought Nomu's. As it was looking grim, Joker showed up and disposed of the Nomu's quickly. It was near the Stain attack so this interested me. After he killed the last Nomu, which looked like it spontaneously combusted, Joker was about to leave until the heroes called him out. Joker then proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of them with a robot. Once the heroes were all unconscious Joker flew off.

'Interesting. He is a wild card, just like the joker card. He goes for villains and Heroes. All the more reason to get him on our side.'

"We need to find him quickly. He has to hide that robot somewhere so he is in a large base. Hmmm... OH!" I shout as it all clicks together.

"What is it Nezu?" Aizawa asks.


Aizawa nods and gets all nearby hero agencies on the phone. Mic goes and calls the police. I have already brought up some forms to make Joker a student in UA, and my adopted son.

'Don't worry Joker, we will help you.'

Words- 1009

Hi, sorry for the short chapter. I have been working thru a writers block on this story. I have a good idea where to take it from here. I hope you enjoyed. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Hope you are all doing well.

-Author out!

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