aubree johnson

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honestly all my life everyone has told me that i'm the most beautiful girl in the world. and that i was the closest thing to perfect. i never agreed with them. i don't see myself the way everyone else does. i hate myself tbh. but no one knows that because i don't make it obvious.

my parents are divorced. i live at my moms and sometimes i go to my dad's house. but only when i choose to. and normally i only go there when i want to get away from my mom. which is rare.

i'm 15. i start sophomore year tomorrow. honestly i hate school. i'm not stupid or smart. just average. i'm pretty popular. which is so fucking exhausting. i only have a few close friends though.

i'm not the best at biting my tongue when i have something to say. i say what i think. and have absolutely no filter. a lot of people don't like me because of it. i know i have to control it but i don't because that's just not how i am. noah thinks it's funny.

speaking of him, i'll tell you about his family and how i know them and our history. my mom is best friends with mrs.flynn and mrs.evans. mrs.evans passed away about a year and a half ago though. which sucks. she was really nice. but anyways my family,the evans' family and the flynn family are really close.

i have a little sister. she's two. her name is ava. she is a mini me. looks like me and is sassy like me. she's learning from the best. she's my best friend. it's just her,my mom,and me in the house.

i'm not all that close with elle or lee. elle is a nice girl but we're just not close. when we see eachother in school we always smile and wave. when our families get together and hang out we make small talk and stuff but i'm just not close with her. lee is a nice guy. same thing as elle. we're not close but we talk when we're around eachother and wave when we see each other at school.

but then there's noah. me and him aren't close like best friends. but i would say we're decently close. he's treated like gold at school. he plays football and all the girls fall at his fucking feet cause they think he's hot. it makes me laugh. everyone kind of thinks he's a dick. which don't get me wrong,he can be. but he has a big heart. which no one knows because he's being a douche most of the time. but he definitely has a big heart somewhere under that "highschool jock" attitude that he thinks is a personality trait.

we don't hang out alone that much. he usually brings me home from school if he doesn't have practice. and sometimes he comes over to hang out with me if my mom goes out with her friends on like weekend nights. when all of our families hang out me and him are with eachother most of the time.

my little sister,LOVES noah. it's kind of cute when she runs up to him with her arms up waiting for him to pick her up. her face lights up when he comes over and she always yells his name with a bright smile. it warms my heart.

anyways i'm pretty boring. that's kind of all there is to know about me.

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