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eventually the party had wrapped up.
it was around 1am and the last couple people had finally left.

noah,elle,and lee started to pick up the empty cups and all the trash everywhere. i bent down to grab a cup and throw it in one of the trash bags but noah stopped me. "i know you're tired. you can go take a shower and i'll be up in a little bit and we can go to bed." he said. i nodded my head and handed him the cup i picked up. he took it and smiled.

i went up to his bedroom and into his bathroom. i undressed and turned the shower on and got in. as the hot water ran down my body,i couldn't help but think about me and noah.

the awkward silences when we stare into eachothers eyes,the amount of time we've been spending with each other,how protective he's been,the list goes on.

i'm not gonna sit here and come to some conclusion that he likes me or that he's secretly been in love with me for years,cause that's only gonna bring me to 3 days straight of mental breakdown and 6 months of depression,which i really don't have the energy or desire to deal with.

i don't know. i don't want to get all in my head about it. but i just am really happy where me and him are at right now. but elle is like acting super jealous and it's pissing me off.

all our childhood,she mad it so obvious that she's had a massive crush on noah. but it was never mutual. and i've always been kind of close with noah. and she's always had a bit of dislike for me because of that. but the last two weeks,me and noah have been hanging out way more and getting closer and she hates it. but i'm not gonna stop just to make her happy. i mean she literally doesn't have a chance with him.

i mean don't get me wrong,elle is a nice girl and all. but her and lee are annoying as fuck sometimes. with their "rules" and the way they finish each other's sentences. i literally get second hand embarrassment for those two sometimes. they're such dorks. it's repulsive.

i've always tried to be nice to them. and i always succeeded at it. but holy fuck,the last week,all i've wanted to do was bash their heads into a brick wall. they're being so annoying and always coming into noah's room without knocking.


after i washed my hair and my body,i shaved my legs and washed my face. by time i was done,it was already almost 2 and i was getting tired.

when i got out of the shower i put my lotion all
over my body and threw on one of noahs shirts and a pair of my shorts. then i put my moisturizer on.

as i was doing that,noah came in his room. i looked up at him and smiled. "hey kid" he said. "hey" i said and i rubbed my moisturizer into my skin. i grabbed my hairbrush and then yawned. he looked over at me.

"here let me do that for you then you can go to bed" he said. "thankyou" i said. he nodded his head and brushed my hair out for me. by time he was done i was very close to falling asleep.

i got up and walked over to his bed and got in the sheets. he kissed my forehead and went in his bathroom to take a shower. i opened my phone and answered my snapchats. and scrolled through instagram a little bit while i waited for noah to come to bed with me.

when he got out of the shower and got in pjs,he came and got in bed with me. i smiled at him as he got in. he pulled the covers over him and slipped his arm under my back. i snuggled onto him.

he pulled out his phone and we watched tiktoks. eventually i got really tired and fell asleep.

you are mine; noah flynn Where stories live. Discover now