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*District 21: Bullpen*

The team had gotten called in after an eyewitness for one of ASA Peter Stone's trials was shot and killed. If they can't link the murder to the person the witness was testifying for, a serial rapist and murderer walks.

"Tariq had been here ten years, originally from Sudan, married, kid on the way." Hank informed, turning to the rest of the team from where he was standing in front of the whiteboard. "Employed as a supervisor in an office-cleaning company. He was working on his degree nights at UIC."

"Wasn't he in protective custody for the trial?" Kevin recalled from where he was seated at his desk.

"He was." Ana nodded from her usual spot in the Office doorway. "Head of the detail is on his way in right now."

"You know, the original case file indicates that Tuxhorn and Ariel left the Tiki on rush at 10:45. Now, Tuxhorn says that they went to his apartment, they had consensual B&D sex and then she walked out on her own." Jay sighed from where he was standing by his desk. "Tariq's statement says that he saw Tuxhorn dragging Ariel's body towards the locks where he dumped her and he drove off. He called 911, he went in after her, she was already dead. And the M.E.'s toxicology report determined she was loaded up with ketamine." He read aloud from the file in his hands.

"Four other girls have made rape allegations against Tuxhorn." Erin added from her desk. "He skated on each case, combo of his daddy's money and his high-powered attorney, Dominick Cooke. He's the worst." She muttered.

"Tariq's phone records?" Alvin inquired from where he was seated on his desk.

"I'm into it with the service provider. Subpoena's been drafted, signed off on, and dropped. So we should have it in a few hours." Adam assured from his desk while fiddling with a pen.

"Yeah, well, we have one really big question to answer first." Ana pointed out. "Tariq Bolad's identity was supposed to be sealed."

"Check into the grand jury, court reporters, ASA's office, whoever had access to his name or a motive to leak it." Hank ordered just as Kevin answered his ringing phone. "Cause somebody figured it out. "

"Ken Amis, the head of Tariq's security detail, is on his way up." Said Officer informed.

The male Sergeant pointed at his best friend.

"Al, you and me." He decided.

*Time Skip brought to you by "Enjoy your freedom, douchebag. You're not gonna have it for long."*

"Checked into Tuxhorn's visitor list from lockup. Mail, phone, and visitor logs show only his attorney and his family having any contact with him." Jay informed while he and Ana watched Hank tape some more pictures to the board.

"We want you to add Tuxhorn's family members to the list we gave financial crimes." The brunette ordered.

"We want a complete workup of all their financials, specifically any large-sum withdrawal in the last two months or so." The older man added, turning to Antonio. "Hey, Stone asked he be kept in the loop as much as possible."

Said Detective nodded, looking back down as Erin appeared behind Hank and in front of Ana.

"I don't think I've ever disliked someone so quickly or so intensely." She spat, heading over to her desk and draping her jacket over her chair.

"So tell us, heading down to the courthouse, what did that accomplish?" Ana wondered, walking over with a smile.

"I got to look in his eyes." Erin replied in a "duh" tone and turned to Hank. "Isn't that what you always say, I look in people's eyes for a living?"

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