Deadline:Part 2

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By the demon's command, no one moved against it until the diner's entrance closed. The moment the door closed and the lock shifted into place, the compulsion was lifted and all that were frozen were now sighing with relief as their bodies sagged and stumbled forward.

"Holy fucking hell..." Jungkook is the first to speak. He doubles over, his hands on his knees as he stifled the urge to vomit on the concrete. Mae moves forward with staggard steps, using the side of the car as support as she blinked and panted.

Jia and Junseo are in similar condition but not as shaken as the other two, and are looking at each other. Junseo places his hands on Jia's shoulders to steady her.

"You alright?" he says, his brow creased in concern. Jia mumbles an affirmative response as she swayed dizzily.

"Yeah...m'fine....I'm..." she sighs as her eyes roll back and her body goes limp.

"shit.." Junseo exhales as he caught Jia just as her knees buckled, holding her beneath her armpits.

"Unnie?" Mae says weakly, still trying to steady herself. Junseo shifts his hold on Jia and shuffles forward to open the backseat of his car.

" the...entire hell...was that..." Jungkook huffs as he continued to pant. He struggles to stand upright and winces at the headrush he experiences with the movement.

"I feel like I just got hit by a truck...twice. And it like...reversed over me a few times before pulling off..." he says, gritting his teeth. Mae groans at vertigo and dizziness that still plagued her as Junseo placed a barely conscious Jia on the backseat, propping her upright.

"Me too.....or like a bad hangover. " Mae presses her palm to her temple. Junseo doesn't acknowledge either of them though. Jia's head lolls over as it settled against the headrest and Junseo brushed a few strands of hair from her face before sighing.

"Well consider yourselves lucky. It could have been much worse..." Junseo mutters as he examined Jia with concern. But her breathing and serene expression eases his worry just a bit.

Jungkook rights himself and joins Mae to surround the open car door as Junseo eases himself from the backseat, tucking Jia's legs before shutting the door gently.

"Is she..." Mae frowns at the car window and Junseo shakes his head, instantly regretting it. He stumbles back to lean between the doors and glances up at the sky to level himself.

"She fainted but...I think she'll be ok. Today has been..a lot. " He sighs. Jungkooks hissed through his teeth at the choice of words as he reached up to rub the back of his neck.

"A lot?...this past hour of tonight was alot...If the two of you have had an entire day of this shit then..." Jungkook trails off. Junseo snorts.

"More like a week, for her. But for me?....." Junseo pauses to glance over at the dimly lit diner, then to where Halmi and Jimin were helping each other to stand.

"This is my life....."

Mae and Jungkook standby as Junseo approached the two former captives, kneeling down to offer Halmi his hand. Halmi takes it gratefully and looks over at Jimin, who'd physical condition was far worse than hers. Yet he remained solid as he supported Halmi on the other side.

"No...Junseo...I'm fine, really. Help Jimin..." she begins. Junseo creases his brow at her then glances over at the young man limping on the other side of her.

This was his first time seeing him, but he knew better than to assume that the nearly skeletal appearance, sunken in and bruised eyes, and bleeding nose, was normal for him. It seemed as though the demon using him took a huge toll, it's weakened state draining Jimin of his strength and health.

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