Chapter 50: Ivan Greyson

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I am packing some of my clothes.

Tyler offered to give me a ride to airport. He is also helping me pack my stuff.

"So you're really doing this huh?" He spoke casually.

"I have to.." I replied.

"You guys just announced your relationship months ago. He's going to be so heartbroken. Are you going to tell him about Sarah?" He asked curiously.

I shook my head.

"I don't think he needs to know about that." I replied in a low voice.

"Well okay, I hope things go well for you." He said while patting my shoulder.

"How are you and Lucas?" I asked curiously.

The day Tyler went to get his things on Lucas house, they sort of had a talk and decided to forget about their previous misunderstanding. 

"We're taking a break. To be honest, I'm not sure if I still want to get back together. We had a talk and we both decide that we weren't ready to live together. I agree with him." He replied.

"I thought you guys will try to make it work again?" I asked.

"Maybe.. He's acting like we're friends who occasionally flirt. I'm not buying that crap. I still care about him but my feelings aren't as strong as they were before. I'm actually thinking of going to LA. Just come and visit me if you want to hangout or whatever." He replied.

He's was very calm about everything.

"Yeah sure.. but you are always welcome to stay with me you know." I said smiling.

He mess with my hair.

"Oh Olivia.. I can't have another stupid dating rumor with you again. People will go crazy and make nonsense theories on why you and Ivan split up." He said it  jokingly.

But I realize just how true that was.

Right after we announce our relationship, fans were totally crazy about it. They keep on tweeting and posting stuff online.

"Hey.. don't worry too much. It may become a headline for a day, a week or a month but people eventually gets over it. So cheer up. If you really want to end your relationship with Ivan then do it. It's your life. Do what makes you happy." He said softly.

It means a lot to hear that from him.

I don't want to hurt Ivan but I can't also keep pretending that I still feel the same as before.

After I finished packing, I went to Sarah's office to tell her that I'm already leaving. She wanted to give me a ride to the airport but I decline. I know she is against me leaving and she kept trying to talk me out of it every chance she got. 

I just kept assuring her that my only reason for meeting Ivan is to end our relationship and nothing more.

She reluctantly let me leave after some time. 


A few days later, 

I'm finally in front of Ivan's hotel room.

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