Chapter 57: As Friends

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A month later,

I am scheduled to shoot some of the scenes in our movie with Ivan and other crew members.

It's totally awkward to do this movie with him. There were so many intimate scenes. I already read most of the script. 

Thank goodness, Ivan is behaving more professional now. 

He hadn't tried anything crazy since our last fight.

I'm resting on my chair while waiting for my scene. Ivan approach me with a sandwich on his hand.

"Want one?" He asked extending his hand forward.

"Thanks... How's it going out there?" I asked curiously.

They are still preparing our set.

"It might take still a few hours." He replied while sitting next to me.

"Should have slept more then." I replied.

"Or you could sing?" He suggested.

He stood up and get his guitar on his trailer.

"Remember last year? You ended up making a song during filming." He brought up.

I still remember that song. It was an instant hit.

"Someday's with you.. yeah. You help me with the chorus." I said smiling.

"Do you have something in mind now?" He asked curiously.

He was strumming his guitar.

"I don't know.. I haven't been writing any music lately." I replied.

He just kept strumming his guitar.

"That's okay.." he start singing.

I sang with him cause I got nothing else to do.

After down three songs, he start laughing.

"What's funny?" I asked curiously.

"Oh sorry, I just remember all the fun times. Just like we always do, singing stuff when we are bored like this." He said.

"Yes, we do sing a lot don't we." I said in agreement.

He nodded.

We took a break from singing and it became quiet for a bit.

"How.. how is Sarah?" He asked hesitantly.

I cleared my throat. I didn't expect him to bring her up at all

"Ivan.. let's not." I said shaking my head. 

Making him know that I am not comfortable talking about her with him.

"I understand. Sorry." He said respecting my privacy.

"I just don't want anymore fights with you. We just start getting along again." I spoke softly.

He took a deep breath.

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