Chapter 41: It Was Us

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We are planning a a party for my mom.

It's her birthday today.

We originally plan a small party but with Sarah being in charge, what we intended for a small party became big.. more so, a grand party.

"This is not what I had in mind when you said small party you know.." I said to Sarah.

She chuckle after I said that.

She was almost finished setting up the venue for the party tonight.

My mom was still busy in the salon and getting pampered for this day.

"Well it's your mom.. it has to be special." Sarah mention looking excited for the party later.

"A small party can also be special." I argued.

"Can you please be on board with me. I don't want to stress myself arguing with you." She said while blinking her eyes and putting her hands together 🙏

I think she is already aware of my weakness.

She hug me tightly after I stop complaining.

I finally smiled after receiving a hug.

She pulled away to look at me.

"Wait, I thought Tyler will come to help us?" She asked.

I look around and to be honest, I don't know what else Tyler can contribute when everything is already set.

"I mean.. do you even still need help?" I asked while pointing out how everything is already finished.

"Well, that's just an excuse to hangout." Sarah mentioned.

I frowned.

Those two have been hanging out a lot. Sometimes, I'm not even invited.

Well mostly due to having some prior commitments or some commercial or hotel project which is why I couldn't join them.

"Are you already sick of me?" That's why you're looking for Tyler right now?" I asked.

She look at me ridiculously.

"Don't tell me you're jealous." She teased.

"Of course not.." I quickly denied it.

She giggle softly and playfully pushed me back.

"You're still my best friend don't worry." She said casually while grinning at me.

I shook my head and smile at how silly she can be.

Tyler arrive with his boyfriend Lucas.

"Hello girls! Am here and ready to help." He annouce quite loudly.

He roamed his eyes around and exchanged looks with Lucas and wonder why he was even call for help.

"Wow.. so this is what we call small party?" He said with a little friendly sarcasm.

"See I told you!" I argued again.

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