Chapter 16: Burnt Turkey

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Tyler was dropping me off to a bus station.

We are both going back to our home for Christmas.

I sighed before I enter.

I can't believe I'm coming back home again.

I feel more relax now, I know Sarah won't be there. I'm sure her parents are planning some out of country or town trip.

I immediately text Tori.

I want her to know I'll be around in case she wanted to meet up.

She lives not that far from our home town.

It took a few hours before I got home.

I glance at Sarah's house.

Like expected, no one's there. I knock at the door.

"Hey mom, it's me.. Can you open the door please?" I said trying to call for her to open the door.

She open the door wide for me.

"Via! Oh sweety.. you're here!" She said while giving me a big hug.

"Well you told me to come home didn't you?" I replied casually while pulling away from the hug.

"I miss you baby! Oli's not celebrating Christmas with us." She mentioned.

I drag my luggage inside.

"Why are you so thin? Have you been eating well in LA?" She asked concern.

"Yeah.. yeah, just doing some healthy diet. Don't worry. Hehe" I replied.

"I'll just put my stuff inside my room" I said.

I put my luggage inside then went back to the living room.

I'm actually relieved that Oli wasn't here to see me.

"Can I invite a friend over?" I asked my mom.

"Sure.. is it Tyler?" She asked casually.

"No, it's a new friend. You haven't met her yet but she's nice." I said.

I called Tori. She immediately picked it up.

"Hi! I just got back.. I'm already home. Can we meet today?" I asked smiling.

"Sure.. I'm just in the neighborhood. You text me earlier remember?" She said sweetly.

I rub my back.

"I already told my mom you're coming." I said giggling.

"Okay, I'll see you in 20 minutes." She said softly.

I changed my clothes and help my mom with household choirs.

A few minutes later, she came.

"Hi good morning!" Tori said energetically.

"I brought pie.." she said while showing a box in front of me.

"Thanks.. that's my mom's favorite dessert." I mentioned.

I invited her in and my mom quickly greets her as she enters.

"How lovely.. please feel at home." My mom said while motioning for her to sit.

My mom is a people pleaser..

She knows how to entertain guest and make them feel comfortable and relax.

"I'm glad to meet you. You look so pretty. Are you a model or something?" My mom joked.

I think Tori was secretly enjoying the praises of my mom.

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