Chapter 4

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Tinkerbell showed us the layout of Pan's fide out and where he places his guards. We then started planning on how we were going to in and what our plan was. Tink was going to sweet talk her way in and we were going to sneak in and grab henry when the coast was clear. She kept warning us about the lost boys and how their weapons were all coated with dream shade, a deadly poison that would kill you painfully within days, weeks if you were lucky!

However, things turned south when Tink asked what the exit plan was.

"You do have an escape plan don't you?" Tink asked

"It was more of a last minute trip" Said Mary-Margret

"If you don't have a way off this island, then none of this matters" Said Tink

"We'll figure it out!" Said Regina

"You'll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time" Said Tink

"When it comes to family, we always find a way" Said David

"You don't get it. Here. Let me show you something. You know what this is?" Tink said pulling out a watch

"Yeah it's a watch" Said Emma

"I got it from the people who brought your son here for Pan" She replied

"Greg and Tamara? Where are they? Why'd they give you that?" Emma asked

"I got it off the girls body. Spent half the night cleaning the blood off it. And the other guy... well there wasn't enough left of him to find anything useful. This is what Pan does to people he employs! What do you think he's going to do with you? I'm not sticking my neck on Pan's chopping block without a way off this island. When you figure that out, you know where to find me" She said walking away

"She's right. If there's one thing I've learned it's that you don't break in somewhere without knowing the way out" Said Emma

"Where'd you learn that? Bail bonds school?" Regina asked

"Neal taught me that" Said Emma. For the next hour we all tried to think of ways off the island. The only way it was possible was getting Pan's approval! Hook had made a deal with Pan to be able to get off the island. And no one knew how Neal had done it!

"So no one's ever left the island without Pan's permission?" Regina asked pissed off

"One man... your partner in crime, Neal" Hook said to Emma

"How?" Emma asked

"Maybe we can find out" Hook said walking away from the camp. We all followed him without asking for a reason. I was guessing we were going to find Neal's old camp or something from when he was hiding from the lost boys as a kid.

Finally we reached a massive rock. Hook looked at us as though we were supposed to know what he was doing!

"What is this supposed to be?" Regina asked

"Neal swung out on Neverland on a vine?" Emma asked

"Well if someone would be kind enough to lend me a hand... What do you say saviour?" Hook said to Emma walking over to a rope. He grabbed it and pulled, lifting a door

"I'll do it" David said going to help Hook. Together they pulled the rock door up and we all headed inside. Th cave was dark, we could barely see a thing. Hook lit a torch and the cave was suddenly filled with light. The walls were covered in drawings and little markings. He had lived here, by himself, as a kid, clearly for a long time!

"This was his home" Said Hook

"So you think he left a clue as to how he escaped in here?" Mary-Margret asked

"Lets hope so, or we'll be lost just like he was" Said Hook. The six of us searched the cave, looking at little things he had left in the cave or a clue in the drawings.

"What's all this?" Emma asked walking over to the table

"Just some cups and bowls he fashioned" Said Mary-Margret

"I dunno how great a cup this coconut could have made. It's filled with holes" Said David

"Uh, maybe it's a tiny colander" Said Mary-Margret

"Yes because pre-teen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta" Said Regina. Emma picked it up and put it on top of her candle. Hook snuffed out the torch and we all gazed at the celling as tiny rays of light shone through the tiny holes

"Stars" Said Emma

"It's a map" Said Hook

"To where?" David asked

"Home" Emma replied

"How can you be so sure it's a map?" Mary-Margret asked

"There was a short time in Neverland where Bea was aboard my ship. I taught him to navigate by using the stars. What your looking at is the fruit of my labour" Said Hook

"Then you can read it" Regina said

"Sadly no" Said Hook

"I thought you just said you taught him how to use them" Said David

"Yes but I also taught him something else. The key to being a pirate, secrecy. The best captains conceal their maps in code. He was an apt pupil" Said Hook

"So your saying the only person who can read this map is Neal" Said Mary-Margret

"Which means the only person who can read it is dead" Said Emma walking out of the cave. Mary-Margret and David followed her wanting to comfort her.

It felt surreal looking at all the drawings on the wall. The marks from where he was counting days but then lost hope. Knowing that Neal had spent time with Hook, bonded. I wanted that too. I wanted to be taught how to sail a ship and navigate with the stars by my dad.

"Hey are you ok?" Regina asked

"Yeah" I replied

"You've seemed a bit off since last night" She said

"I... I just miss Henry, and Ruby" I said trying to convince her there was nothing wrong. So she didn't ask questions. I didn't want to talk about it right now.

"I know, we'll get Henry and be home soon" She said hugging me.

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