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Adam's POV

"Are you okay? You haven't said a word since we left the hospital" I asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking to myself." he nods.

I moved out of the way so Chilled could unlock my door. Once he was done, he let me in first. It felt nice to be home again. I skim my eyes around my house and stop as I see the spot where Chilled found me. My eyes just stick to the pool of dried blood on the ground. I didn't realise how much blood I had actually lost last night. It just makes me regret even doing it in the first place. What was I thinking?

Chilled's POV 

I shut the door and spin around to see Adam looking at the kitchen. He was staring at the spot of blood on the floor. He's just staring right at it. I touch his shoulder to get his attention but he's still looking at his own blood. 

"Buddy? I can clean that up just go take a shower or something and when you come back out it will be like nothing ever happened."

I pushed him towards his bathroom as he didn't say a word. Grabbing him some towels along the way as I walked him into his bathroom. He took the towels from me and closed the door.

 I rummaged around his kitchen cupboards, under the sink trying to find cleaning products . I went through so many cupboards but finally I found some floor cleaner. I grabbed a small bucked from his laundry room and filled it with warm water along with the floor cleaner. I got down on my hands and knees and started to clean it but the smell was horrible. It really wasn't the most pleasant smell in the world but it's the least I can do for Adam and everything he's been through. 

I managed to make it exceptionally cleaner then I thought but there was still a little bit of a stain there. It was the best I could do. I grabbed the bucket which was a full dark red colour now. I lifted it up and tipped the water into the sink and washed out the sponge since it was a red colour as well. At least it's one problem gone. There was just one other problem to deal with now and that was Ze's cryptic message. His message to me made no sense. Is he talking about my ex? It's literally been a whole month since we broke up. My mouth drops open as I remember that I broke up with her the day after Adam confessed his feelings for me. I don't even remember the reason I broke up with her either...

I grab my phone out of my pocket ready to reply to Ze but Adam comes back into the room looking somewhat more relaxed then before. He looked way more relaxed. He gives me a small smile as he heads over to the fridge, opening it to grab some bread, ham and cheese. I watch him carefully as he shuts the door and turns around to look at the now clean spot that use to be his blood. 

"You hungry? I can make us some sandwiches." he mumbles, still staring down at the spot.

"I'll do it bud, you go sit down at the table and i'll make it" 

He hands me the ham and cheese from him slowly walks to the table. He doesn't keep his eyes off the floor when he sits down though. I should of tried scrubbing it harder...

"Thanks for all this. I really don't know what would of happened if you didn't show up. I could of been dead and no one would of found me." he frowns.

"'I'm glad I picked up the courage to finally come see you since I... yeah..." 

"We don't have to talk about it Chilled. I know you're not ready. But maybe one day you will be and i'll still be waiting for you." 

I was speechless. He's really into me. I could never give him what he wants though. I'm straight...

"Your thinking about something. Care to share? he adds.

"Oh uh..?" I stumble my words.

"Don't be shy. It's only me." he cracks a little smile.

"If you really wanna know what I'm thinking... I...uh was just thinking that I'm straight and... and I think it would be bad of me to lead you on and not set things straight for you. So I'm sorry?" 

"Who says you're leading me on? Nothing has happened between us... I know your straight as well. I thought I was straight and look how that turned out. I fell for my best friend." he lets out.

I bite down on my tongue and hope this is not going to get awkward for us. As soon as I finished making some sandwiches, I put them on a plate and brought them over to the table for us to eat. He grabbed one and started indulging into it. I did the same. It was silent during that time and we exchanged looks but that was all. I couldn't believe that he said he fell for his best friend. Are his feelings for me stronger then he let on? 

"I did say 'fell for my best friend' by the way so stop with the shocked expression. I don't know why but I feel way more for you then I did before. I know you're uncomfortable with me but I'm still glad you're here helping me." he confessed.

I didn't know what to say after that but I kept my mouth shut. I never thought in I'd ever be speaking to Adam like this. Ever. it's weird.  

"You wanna go out the back  and chill out there for abit? It's a nice day and it's too nice to be sitting inside." he munches through his words.

"I'd like that."

Adam's POV

I grabbed two beers from the fridge on the way out to the backyard, handing him one where we stood and enjoyed the fresh air.  The sun was shining, no clouds in sight and just a slight breeze. It was beautiful. It was so peaceful.

"I feel like this is all a dream Adam." Chilled suddenly breaks the silence.

I placed my hand on his shoulder.  "Well sorry to break it to you but it's real life." 

"I mean... I wish it all a dream. If I just replied to you instead of being an ignorant friend then none of this would of happened. You would be fine and I would be fine and we could continue being best friends without all the awkwardness of your little secret and now I have Ze telling me you're not the only one who loves me and it's all strange because I have no idea what he means! i just wish it was all a dream..." 

"Wait... Ze said that? What does that mean?" I ask as I remove my hand from his shoulder. The tension was just building up and I could tell he was getting awkward again.

"I just have so many goddamn questions... I wish I could get answers but I can't. I didn't reply to him Adam, my main focus was you and only you at that point." 

He looks really upset now. He's having a really hard time too, not just me. He looked right at me, then he looked towards the ground. He was swaying side to side and fidgeting with himself. I just wanna tell him everything will be okay.

 I took his drink away from him, sitting it on a nearby table. I walked back over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. I tried to look up to his eyes to capture his attention. He still wasn't paying attention. I put my arms around his neck to comfort him. I felt his arms wrap around my stomach and he tightly hugged me back. 

We held the hug for awhile. I felt like it was necessary just to let him hug me in silence then to try and speak up about it. It was nice....

Against All Odds - SeaChaos (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now