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Adam's POV

"It's true..." I say in a soft voice.

It goes silent between Ze and Chilled behind his door as I stand there trying really hard to listen in on their conversation. I bite along my bottom lip hoping that Chilled will come to his senses and open the door. I hear mumbles and then silence again. He's not gonna open the door for me. Why does he hate me so much? All I've done is love him and he's just pushing me right out the door, literally! Mumbling happens once again but its quieter then last time. I sigh at the ground and decide it's time to go. Who am I kidding? Nothing is going to happen. I start to head off to my car when I hear the door open, I automatically spin around to see Ze walking out, he shuts the door and moves in my direction. He leans into my ear and whispers to me.

"Just go along with me okay, Go inside when I say leave, got it?"

He leans back and widens his eyes at me nodding. I mouth the words 'thank you' and he smiles at me. I smile back at him and nod at him. He mouths 'ready' and I give him a thumbs up. Thank god Ze is trying to help now!

"Adam, he doesn't wanna see you!" Ze starts to raise his voice.

"Just let me see him please, even if it's only for a minute, I just need a moment with him!" I raise my voice back.

Ze starts to nod at me and he pipes back up again.

"How hard is it for you to understand that he wanted me here and not you?"

"It's all my fault he's like this, I just need to explain everything to him, come on Ze don't do this." I yell back.

"No, just LEAVE!" Ze practically yells the 'leave' part and he pushes me towards the door.

"Go!" He whispers as I go past him.

My whole body begins to shake as I get closer to the door. Is he gonna push me out the door? Will he let me even talk? I firmly grasp the door handle and breathe out loud. Twisting the door handle I push the door in and the first thing I see is Chilled. His face shocked by who walked in the door. His mouth drops and he takes a step back. I close the door and quickly try to get in a word before he does.

"Chilled, listen to me okay? Just listen to me" I take steps towards him.

He begins to blink quickly and look around the room taking steps back as well. I hold out my hand and move a little quicker so I can get closer to him. I can see him swallowing the saliva building up in his throat.

"Ze?!" He yells out.

"Chilled, he let me in. He wants us to work this out." I say softly to him.

The look on his face screams betrayal as I step closer to him but he continues taking steps back. He keeps going, the same as myself. He takes a step but his back hits the wall and he's trapped. I stop in front of him and try a little sincere smile.

"Why are you doing this?" He whimpers.

"Why are you doing this?" I direct back at him.

He looks down at me once and then looks to his left side not wanting to make eye contact.

"It's your fault all this happened. I-I blame you. If you'd have just hung up the phone then none of this would of happened. I wouldn't have almost died, I wouldn't have lost my memories, I wouldn't have lost a month of my life in a coma, I wouldn't have been in pain all this time. It made me..." He stops and looks me dead in the eye.

I squint my eyes up at him and his expression turns to something I've never seen before.

"It made me... made me hate you." His whole face goes emotionless.

I suddenly feel my whole body weaken and I step away from him. I look down at my feet and I start to breathe heavily. He hates me... He actually said it to my face. I hang my head in embarrassment as I wasn't expecting him to literally rip my heart out. He folds his arms in front of him as I just stand there defeated by his words. I raise my eyes at his faceless expression.

"How could you say this to me? A little over a week ago I thought I got you back for good but obviously I was wrong... What changed?" I ask.

He ignores my words and walks away from me heading into his room. I open my mouth in shock. He just walks away from this? I am so close to calling it quits on this... the only thing holding me back is my feelings for him. If I didn't love him then I'd walk out the door and never come back but it's my feelings for him, my stupid feelings...

"Wow, so mature of you. Answer me!" I raise my voice at him .

I cross my arms and grit my teeth, I storm my feet and follow him into his room. I head on in without knocking on the door but his room is empty. I roll my eyes and head over to his bathroom door. I barge in and see him standing in front of his mirror holding something familiar. He hears my footsteps and turns around.

"Here, it's yours. Get it out of my house." He says coldly.

He chucks it towards me, I catch it in my hands and look down at it. He bought me a bracelet ages ago and I thought I lost it. My eyes drift up to his face and my heart continues to break even more.

"You got this for me..." I gloom up at him.

His face doesn't change as I stand there holding the bracelet. He's gone. There's nothing I can do to get him back. The Chilled with no memory was nicer then this... What am I suppose to do? just move on? It hurts to even think about this right now.

"Yeah I did, but you can keep it. I just want it out of my house... and I want you out of my house. So it's time for you to leave Adam." He replies even more colder then before.

"Who even are you anymore? What happened to the old Chilled?" I say coldly back.

"He went when you didn't hang up the phone which caused a truck to plummet into me which also caused me pain for several months."

"I don't believe it. I saw your face when you got your memories back. I saw it in your eyes Chilled. I know you love me, somewhere deep down in yourself. You're just letting all the hatred overtake you. You don't have to say it to me. I saw it in your eyes in the hospital. Don't do this. I can't live without you..." I whimper out.

Chilled's face starts to change and his eyes soften. His whole face softens. He drops his arms to his side and I see his chest contract.

"I saw it in your eyes in the hospital Chilled and I can see it now. I know you... I know you too much. I know every little thing about you. Feel love not hatred towards me. If it makes you feel better then I blame myself for not getting on that plane with you. I should of went with you. None of this would of happened and we'd be happy in a relationship..." I try to get through to him.

"You're right, It is your fault." He says.

His face suddenly goes back into emotionless mode and I know I've been defeated. He's not going to budge. He almost let it in though. I can still get him back. He's crying out for help deep inside. I just need to shake him back into real reality... I need to come up with a plan before I try again with him. I need a plan...

"Okay, I've had enough of this. If this is what you want then I'm done. I'm leaving and I won't be coming back Chilled. I hope you know you're missing out happiness. I could of given you everything you wanted or needed. I guess this is goodbye..." I reply.

The last thing I see is a stranger as I leave the bathroom. It's done...

I sometimes hate myself for what I put my readers through and If this was written by someone else I'd be so goddamn angry and I'd rage so I'm so sorry for everyone who hates how this has ended right now but the show must go on! Again I'm accepting medical bills to be sent to me. I'm terribly sorry for all the broken hearts! :( Please love me... :'(


Against All Odds - SeaChaos (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now