Early Morning Dilemma

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Chilled's POV

I get woken up by my phone vibrating under the pillow. I groan as I stretch my hand under my pillow grabbing my phone. I get blinded by the brightness on my phone and I squint my eyes trying to see who is calling at this time. What even is the time? My eyes drift to the clock at the top of the screen. I let out another groan as it's only 3.23am. Then my eyes go to the name... Ze, what the hell?

"What's wrong?"

"I need help. Now." He replies quickly.

I sit myself up and furrow my eyebrows.

"What's happened?" I ask him.

I hear some yelling in the back ground and then Ze's voice. What the hell is happening...

"Ze? Buddy, you there?"

"You're drunk! Go home please. I can't see you while you're like this!" Ze's voice yells.

I jump out of bed and grab my shoes. I put Ze on speaker and shove my shoes on.

"Ze, I'm coming around. I'll be like ten minutes!" I say quietly so I don't wake Adam up.

"Chilled, It's Max. He keeps banging on my front door. He's really drunk. What do I do? I can't let him in. I can't see him now..." Ze starts to panic.

I put my other shoe on and grab the phone.

"I'm coming over." I repeat myself. "Stay on the line with me and tell me what happens, I'll take Max home when I get there."

I grab my keys out of my pocket and start to head out of the bedroom door. I stop as I remember Adam is still fast asleep. I turn around. Should I tell him?

"Chilled, He's gonna hurt himself. I don't want him to get hurt! Do I let him in so he doesn't do anything stupid?!" Ze yells into the phone.

Ze's voice brings me back into reality. I shake my head and head out the door.

"What's he saying Ze? I'm getting in my car now." I reply.

I get to my car and start up the engine.

"He wants me back. He said he shouldn't of met up with Ohm. I don't know what to do. He said he's not leaving until I come back to him..." Ze answers panicked.

"Open the door Ze." I say while I turn off the car engine.

"What?" He replies. "Are you sure?"


"Can you just come please?! I'm begging you Chilled..." Ze starts to yell in the phone.

His panicked voice makes me turn the key on straight away. He doesn't sound very good at the moment. I reverse out of Adam's driveway and get onto the highway. I start to speed up and ignore the speed limit. I keep Ze on speaker and try to hear what's happening on the other end. I just hope there is no cops around right now... It's silent between us but I can hear banging in the background.

"What's happening? I'm like two minutes away." I say as I keep my eyes on the road.

"He's still banging on the door. He's gonna wake up my neighbors any minute." He replies with a raspy voice.

"Okay, I'm pulling off the highway now. Be there in a second."

I drive along the road and see a faded shadow in the distance as I get closer to Ze's house. As I pull into the driveway Max turns around and he's holding a bottle of bourbon in his hands. He squints at me and stumbles left to right. I turn off the ignition  and hang up my phone. Jumping out of the car I head towards Max slowly.

Against All Odds - SeaChaos (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now