Early Mornings

458 29 13

Adam's POV

I done it. I actually did it. I got Chilled back. I made myself an instant promise to never do anything to ruin what we just overcame.  We had been through way too much and I wasn't going to let someone or something destroy it again. It feels good and it feels right. He's definitely the one. I can see myself with him forever, there was just one tiny problem though. We're not actually dating. Of course I was going to ask him to make it official but not right now. Maybe in a week or so...


I looked around the dark lounge room we were currently all in. Everyone was asleep but naturally anyone would be at 2.48 am. Scanning the room again from Ze to Max and then of course, Chilled. His face twitching at random times bought a smile to my face. Adorable. I ran my hand through his hair softly and he mumbled something in his sleep. My smile widened as I continued to watch him some more. He makes another mumble but groans after it suddenly. He might of awoken because of my sudden movements. 

"Are you staring at me?" he squints one of his eyes open, looking at me. "Because that's a little creepy. You know, watching a man asleep and all..."

I chuckled quietly enough for him to hear, bringing my head closer to his. He shifted his body a little also giving me his full attention. I narrowed my eyes down to him.

"I'm just admiring the view. I can stop if it is too creepy..." 

Chilled brought his arm around my waist and slides me closer to him. Bringing his face up to mine, he eskimo kisses me. His nose was absolutely freezing but it didn't take long for it to warm up.

"No, don't do that. If it makes you feel better then you can stare at me all the time." he whispered in a soft tone. "I feel like this is a dream, Adam. I don't want to wake up if it is."

I lift my body up and lean on my elbow. He sounded upset when he spoke and I couldn't understand why exactly. It was like he thought nothing good ever happened in reality, instead he thinks he only gets happiness in dreams.

"What is it with you and thinking you're in a dream when something nice happens to you?" I asked carefully.

He copies me and gets on his side too. Even though it was dark, I could still his facial expressions. He really thinks nothing good happens to him. I took it upon myself to prove to him that this was real. Us laying together wasn't a dream. I balled my fist up and then gave him a little punch in his arm. That was one way to do it.

"See, not a dream." I smirked.

"Ouch!" he whined.  "I'll get you back for that..."

I couldn't contain my laughter as I fell back onto my back, trying to catch my breath. 

"If you two don't shut up with your cutesy talk then I'm taking your room Chilled." Ze's voice suddenly spoke up.

Chilled automatically sat up, I however just lifted my head slightly to see Ze looking right at us. Another chuckle comes from me. It was a little embarrassing to have Ze of all people awake and unfortunately listening in on our 'cutesy talk'.  

"Yeah, come on guys. Be all cute when we leave tomorrow." Max speaks up as well. "Actually let's go Ze, we'll take the bedroom. Give your guests a proper bed..."

I looked up to Chilled to see him smirking at the pair of them. 

"No funny business in my bed then." Chilled responded folding his arms.

My mind picked at the words 'funny business'. No funny business? What exactly was he trying to pull here? I was obviously missing out on a joke between the three of them.

Against All Odds - SeaChaos (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now