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It was the lunch time. The hallways were flooded with people, classrooms empty and cafeteria filled with chattering. Jennie walk down the hallway, she looked around both her sides. Hopefully the hallway was empty. She swiftly moved inside an even more empty corridor, no sign of a human. She glanced at her side once again to confirm she was alone- well not completely.

Jennie moved closer to a particularly silent room, eyes looking to the other side of the window. The room was quite, the only sound that could be heard was of the violin and she knew very well what she was watching was beautiful. Lisa stood along the wall as she played the music dvd, stretching over the railing she was holding onto. She lift her leg and cracked her neck shifting her head to the side. The music played and Lisa started dancing , her black romantic translucent skirt moved beautifully along her spins, she got on her toes. Her legs beautifully sway in the air as she jumped and landed softly looking like a princess, a fairy or more precisely an angel. She gracefully turned and smiled as the music got faster. Just with the melody she spinned in rounds her body supple. Her soft bangs never leaving her face. Her eyes were closed as she fluently danced.

Fuck! Everything was so perfect, Jennie stared at the women as she danced to the music unconscious of her presence. Jennie couldn't help but melt down, her heart couldn't take anymore. Lisa was too perfect to be shown to anyone, a seperate planet  should be build for her to live and dance as she wished and Jennie would just watch her silently admiring her moves, taking in her attractive features until the world collapse.

*Ring* *Ring* the bell rang making an annoying sound. Jennie suited herself before wiping the drool coming from her hanging mouth. Jennie groaned knowing the time was over and she'll have to wait till tomorrow to watch her again. She wondered if the wait would kill her.

Inside the room, Lisa stopped when she heard the sound the ringing bell. She moved to the window and for a second she thought she saw something pass by her in a swift motion. She looked to her sides, frowning when finding no one. Lisa changed into her uniform and opened the door to the room. She froze in her spot when she noticed a brown asthetic bag kept In front of the door. She didn't remember it being here before when she entered the room. Shrugging the scary thought, she thought that maybe it was someone else's belonging after all she didn't own the dance room.

She was going to move further when her gaze fall on her own name written in bold letter on the front of the bag. She picked it up still shooked. Was this a prank? She looked inside the bag and opened the brown box cautiously trying not to think of something horrifying as an insect or a small bug. She have hated them from childhood. As she opened it she found three music tapes from famous violinist. Apparently, these video tapes could only be afforded by VIPs or by someone super rich, obviously she herself was not on the list. Then who was this person giving her these rich stuff? And the person knew she liked music too. Was she bieng watched while her practice?

Lisa bit her lips nervously she looked around the hallway it being silent as always. She shook her head as she looked down. She just can't let something so expensive be out in teh open, what if someone stole it or what if the this gift was meant for someone else and if her name was found on it, it meant that she'll be responsible to for any loss. She needs to take it with her to keep it safe. Picking up her bag and this paper bag she begins walking towards her next class.

At the end of the hallway, Jennie smiled as if she had just achieved something very big. Lisa! Her crush Lisa! Accepted her gift and she even kept it close to her body hugging it as it was a treasure. Nothing could make her more happier than this. She jumped high, hiding her face, excitement jolting up from the bottom of her heart.

So here is the second chapter, I hope you'all enjoyed it reading just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please consider giving me feedback, tell me if I should continue writing for you guys or not?!!!😚

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