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Lisa sat on a chair, legs crossed over the other. Her eyes looking around the room, thinking about a very serious problem. Her face was straight as she stared at Jennie who was standing alone in the big room. Jennie smiled, her fingers playing with each other as she stood there anticipation filling her eyes.

Lisa sighed For the sixteenth time. Not knowing what to do, Jennie didn't know how to dance and she wanted to participate in the contest? *Sigh* "um. Jennie how about you show me whatever you know." Lisa had to know what was Jennie's level before she starts teaching her.

"Ok, so should I show you my best or just some lazy dance?" Jennie asked looking at Lisa. "Show me your best!" Lisa had confident that Jennie would do just fine. "Wait a min!" Jennie picked up her phone, Lisa looked at her confused. After a while a sound was heard, keeping the her phone on the other chair Jennie started moving with the music.

🎵"Turn it out
Be lookin' out for part three
It's gonna be comin' to you soon
But right now we gonna keep this groove
Here we go, to the right, to the right y'all
To the left
Take it back now y'all
Four hops this time
Right foot now
Left foot now
Cha cha now y'all
Cha cha again
Cha cha again
Turn it out
Take it back now, y'all
Right foot let's stomp
Left foot let's stomp
Six hops this time
Right foot let's stomp
Left foot let's stomp
Right foot two stomps
Left foot two stomps
Criss cross
Slide to the left
Slide to the right
Let me hear you clap your hands
Cha cha now-"🎵

Jennie was in her own world, trying to impress Lisa with her so called 'best' dance. Lisa's mouth hung open, her face had a look of awkwardness yet anger. Her face turned dark. It has always been like this, she has been very strict about dancing, she just couldn't tolerate this type of behaviour.

She picked the bridge of her nose, sighing. Like a strict teacher, she got up from the chair moving towards Jennie reaching out to stop the stupid music. She couldn't believe Jennie was going to dance like this. It would have been cute considering her pretty face but right now it wasn't any casual dancing, it was for a interschool dance contest. When the music stopped Jennie looked at her, her body coming to rest, "how was it?" She seemed excited.

Jennie thought that by now Lisa must have already fallen in love with her, though she was not very confident about dancing but come on! She was Jennie, who could resist her beautiful face. Jennie smirked lowering her eyes to the ground while smiling sheepishly. "Well.. how should I say it.." Lisa's usual aura was gone replacing with the one that was scary and intimidating. 'you did do great Jennie! I couldn't believe that it was your first time dancing" Jennie imagined Lisa fangirling around her, her smirk grow wider across her face. "You know.. you suck at this, just forget about the contest even a kid can defeat you easily. Your movements were stiff and unstable. Even the choreography to this stupid music was horrible, most of the steps being incorrect." Lisa lectured her, she didn't notice how rude she sounded.

As soon as Jennie heard her body froze up cracking into millions of peices. She looked up at Lisa who looked a little guilty now. Before she could say anything the door to the room slammed opened, startling Lisa. Lisa turned around to look at a group of girls who looked like hooligans. "Is there anything you need?" Lisa came forward and asked politely.

The girls spreaded in the room kicking lisa's belonging. Lisa gasped at the their behaviour clearly triggered. "We are going to practice here from now on, so leave this instant." A girl spoke leaning against the wall. Lisa didn't liked her attitude and she quickly said ,"but we came her first, please wait till the next slot!" Her voice was laced with anger. The girl lazily threw her hands to her waist "should that matter to us? Waiting is not our stuff so quickly get out."

Lisa was going to snap back at them but her hand was grabbed pulling her back gently. "They don't look like the people to be mess with, let's just leave." Jennie whispered in her ear, too toeing to reach her level as she was short. "But-" "we don't have much time to waste right, let's get going we need to practice. There's alot I need to learn." Jennie tried to convince her and Lisa seemed to get the point as she nodded.

They both pick there belonging as they walked to teh door, Jennie's hand laying on Lisa's back. Jennie looked back to one of the girl, her face turning gloomy and her eyes darkening as she smiled. The girls aura changed immediately seeing Jennie smiling to them but they kept their calm so that Lisa wasn't suspicious.

Omg! Jennie has a dark personality to herself 🙂! Let's wait to see what's going to happen next. Thank you all for reading #💜

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