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After a long silence Jennie decided speak up her hand still wrapped securely around Lisa's head and back.  But before she could open her mouth she felt  wetness on her shoulder, looking down she  realized it was Lisa what was crying, Knowing that this wasn't the right time to ask her anything Jennie started quite quitely comforting her.

Lisa cried not caring about wetting Jennie's uniform, she just wanted to cry her heart out. The loud music brought her back to the trauma, the nightmare she was trying to escape. She hated loud noise after the event which took place near 10 year before in the past. She dig deeper into Jennie's nape trying to forget the memories. However she couldn't, the scene was so fresh to her that it sended  chill down her spine. The clear loud sound of bombs came into her ears as the little girl watched her mother died. A load of people around her were covered with blood collapsed on each other. Her father was containing his emotions trying to save his little daughter. Lisa's father tried to move her but Lisa didn't budge, standing there quitely staring at her mother's body, her skin had burned injuries and a large part of her back was covered with blood.

"Quick! All the passenger leave quickly before the ship drowns!" The officers were screaming and calling for more help. Lisa's father couldn't wait any longer, he couldn't loose his daughter now she bieng the only part of the family left. He looked down at her, holding his tears back he picked Lisa in his arm moving to the small boat. A small girl loosing her mother at such a young age seemed unfortunate especially when she saw her taking her last breath in front her and she couldn't do anything much to save her. It was a disaster...

It was supposed to be a lively atmosphere on the cruise but then why did suddenly their were explosion all around it. Who would have wanted to kill so many people. Lisa had so many questions but they were left unanswered even though the though the investigation was carried on for 3 months it closed down soon because of the lack of clue and evidence. How she wished it was her in place of her mother, than maybe she would still be alive. Lisa regretted letting her mom die.

Lisa cried out until her eyes ached. She realized that it was Jennie who has been holding her for so long without moving. She felt lived at this moment, a warm one filling up her heart not letting the coldness get near it. Lisa wanted to stay like this forever , somehow Jennie's hugs were so comfortable as she soon felt her heart calm down.

She smiled before pulling herself away and looked directly in Jennie's eyes. "I'm sorry for scaring you, are you okay?" Jennie said with the most sincere look. "Yes, it was not your fault." Lisa smiled looking at her as they both got up. "I don't think you're feeling well so let's start with teh practice from tomorrow onwards, hm?" Jennie said looking at her wrist watch. Lisa couldn't disagree with it, her head was seriously aching though her heart was at ease with Jennie being by her side.

They came out of the studio and sat on the bike. Jennie wore the helmet and asked Lisa to hold onto her. Lisa did so resting her head on her shoulder, her eyes still open looking at Jennie from the rear view mirror, she seemed to be very focused. The ride was a little slower than before making Lisa smile, jennie was a very considerate and understanding person, always knows to do the right thing.

"Are you planning on dropping me to my home. Should I lead you the way?" Lisa asked her head still sticking to Jennie's back as she backhugged her.

Jennie shook her head as she said, "street no. 907, janji dong near the subway statio-" Jennie stopped in midway realising what she had just splurged out. Lisa looked at her in shock, "h-how did you know my address?" Lisa asked in desbelief she doesn't remember telling her adress to Jennie. It possibly couldn't be a guess when it was so accurate. "Um- that don't you know that I'm the student council member? I just randomly looked up your address while I was reading some documents." Jennie said coming up the very convincing excuse. It's true that Jennie was the student council member and she deliberately looked up Lisa's profile, knowing her adress, street number, phone number and many more information.

"Oh" Lisa replied, she believed in Jennie and would never think of suspecting her. Resting her head on her back she closed her eyes. The wind hitting her face softly and she didn't seem to hate the bike rides, not anymore.

Jennie's to do list:
-Win Lisa's trust
-Make her fall in love with her
-Live with her
-Excecute anyone who tries to come in the way.

Thanks for reading;)

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