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"I should get going now, it's already late." Jennie said leaning on the door to Lisa's apartment. Jennie was praying that a miracle occurs so that she can spend the night with Lisa on her bed, with her. Thinking about it she went to Dreamland before Lisa catched her attention by calling out her name multiple times. "Jennie?" "Hm" Jennie looked at Lisa. "Do you want to rest for a while before going?" Jennie stared at her with surprised, she didn't know if she was lucky or the devil's itself was supporting her.

"Yes-!" Jennie stopped midway realising that she had some important work to do. How she wished they could be postponed so that she can be with Lisa tonight, but she can't they were as important.

Scratching the back of her neck she smiled politely and said, "there's no need. I think I'm very tired to waste anymore time. Sleep is important! For you too don't let your beauty fade." A smile lingered her face not knowing that she has unconsciously had just complimented Lisa.

Lisa looked at her, eyes going wide with Jennie's remark and without thinking twice she closed the door shut, leaning on it she covered her mouth, her face heating up and ears going red.

Jennie was left alone awkwardly, she thought Lisa would insist but she just did this? Closed the door? Was she so upset about hearing that she couldn't spend time together with her. Jennie's  narcistic behaviour crawled to the surface. Looks like Lisa is slowly falling in love with her. Her heart felt relaxed, bringing her both hands to the back of her head she wistled around in the empty corridor passing by other locked rooms. She glanced lazily to one of the door, maybe she should just buy a room for her so that Lisa wouldn't be upset about it anymore.  Though the place looked shabby she could still bear it till the Lisa was with her.

After coming back from the Lisa's place Jennie went inside the big dark room touching the wall with her hands tapping her fingers on it, moving slowly down the small staircase she looked for a figure.

"Still not awake?" Jennie hummed cutely yet her voice carried a hint of danger. She kicked the limp body which was on the ground. The man's hand wrapped behind his back, his back was facing Jennie. Jennie kicked him again reaching out her hand for the weapon. Jennie looked to the dark side of the room as a few man came out dressed nearly in black suits. They quickly understand what Jennie was asking for as they handed her the black gun.

She looked back at the limp body as it slowly start to move around indicating that he was awake. When the boys eyes met Jennie's he frowned, his gaze moving down it landed on the gun in her hand. His eyes grow wide with fear as she started to thrash around trying to get away from her. His eyes begging Jennie to let him go. Jennie smiled seeing terror filled his eyes, she pulled at the safety button and pressed the trigger without any hint of hesitation.

The boys muffled scream soon ended as his body started to shut down going completely limp. Jennie find the joy in killing him was overwhelming, the person who was aiming for her women was dead. She felt satisfied.

Giving a glance to the bodyguard  Jennie said coldly, "Clean up the mess. I don't want the smell of his blood lingering around my place." Looking at the dead body with pure disgust for the last time Jennie turned around leaving the scene.

She still had some time on her hand so she thought that this was the right time for her to improve. Lisa said that she couldn't do a step correctly. "Watson, get me a dance tutor." she said on the phone, "Yes, Miss." A polite voice came from the other side, the phone was bunged up by Jennie. Looking to the ground she thought, maybe she's going crazy! But she couldn't help She wanted to do everything to impress Lisa, to get her and make her hers.

Hope the chapter was not boring;)
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.
Thank you all for giving me your precious time😘

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