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I looked down. The Shadow Sword was destroyed... The darkness... all the darkness... except the one inside me has balanced throughout the entire world and yet. I felt no joy. All I could feel was pain. Dark Steve was gone. It hurt... just as much as it did when Rainbow Steve died. Everything around me was peaceful. The calm still lake in front of me. The lush green trees made a soft chattering sound as the leaves brushed together from the soft breeze. I could even feel that all the darkness had ceased growth and now was fading. Except for me. The darkness didn't leave me.
I remember everything about Dark. At first, he was my enemy, but he became my friend. He meant everything to me. He was there when the darkness first started to grow. He was there when I defeated Demon Void. Even at the end, he was there saying goodbye to me. He was my friend. Now he's nothing more, but a memory.
I fell to my knees shaking. I was trying to hold back my sobs. I was trying to hold back my tears when Dark was disappearing. I didn't want him to be upset that his death would hurt me like this. Now that he was gone I just couldn't hold back the pain in my chest. I cried.
He is gone... I knew there was no other way... but there should have been away. He shouldn't have died... all he wanted to do was live with the steves... live with us... be happy... now he can't have that. I don't know if he would go into the spirit world. I don't know what will happen to him... Just like Rainbow Steve... he might be in the spirit world watching us... watching me even... but he was created with crystal even him as orange steve he was just a crystal... the only thing left of him is the orange shard... I broke the crystals... I brought the Darkness back. I have become a monster.
"The lighting came from over here!" I heard a familiar voice say. It was the Yellow Steve in the Leather Chestplate's voice. His voice came from behind me. I slowly got up. I guess the adrenaline from the fight with Shadow Sabre was starting to wear off. I can only now feel the immense amount of physical pain throughout my body from the lighting and fireballs. I can now feel how drained I felt from the fight. I used so much of my energy so fast I didn't even realize how much I used.
I saw Yellow Steve come out of the trees far behind me. His skin was a bright yellow, his hair even brighter than his skin that was thick and messy. He wore dark yellow jeans and boots and the brown leather chest plate he kept on was worn down. Behind him was no other than Light Steve. His skin is as white as snow. His hair is a very light grey that was kept short and clean. He currently wore the colorless guard armor over top of his usual clothes. He had a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right.
"Sabre-" Yellow Steve started but was cut off by Light Steve. Yellow Steve looked at me again and I saw nothing but fear in him. Of me.
"That's not Sabre Yellow." Light got in front of Yellow in case I attacked them. I never wanted to hurt them in the first place. I only attacked Light earlier when he attacked me.
"Light it's me," I muttered. I looked at myself to see the darkness was all over me. The only place it hasn't reached was my chest. My spacesuit had random burns and tears from the fight. My glass helmet shattered during the last major blast of the fight. A few pieces of glass remain on my suit. My dark brown mostly black from the darkness now was thick, long, and filthy. Overall I looked like a mess.
"Shadow Sabre I don't know what you're doing here, but you need to stop whatever you're planning." Light walks up to me standing tall. I stepped back and meekly crouched down. I was afraid.
"It's me Sabre I promise. I sealed Shadow Sabre away in one of the corners in my mind. I destroyed the Shadow Sword and now the darkness is being balanced out and can no longer hurt or infect anyone! You can feel it right? The darkness is seeping away." I mumbled in a panic tone as he stood over me. He lowered his spear to point it at me.
"The last part is correct, but you are still infected."
"Light Steve, it's Sabre can't you tell?" Yellow Steve intervened, but Light ignored him.
"We can't trust a single word that he is saying. Stay back Yellow." Yellow Steve stays back, but I can see the worry in his yellow sunlight-filled eyes. All I could see in Light's eyes was his ice-like eyes.
"If you are Sabre then listen to me. Just because you now made the darkness disappear it doesn't change how I or any of the other steves will see you. You didn't bring the darkness back once, but you brought it back twice." He started to lecture me. I looked through my brown satchel to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself with to only find one thing. The Dark Crystal was slowly disappearing. It only had enough energy to bring me home. Once I use it. The Crystal will be gone. I had to use it soon, but I can't right now. I might teleport Light with me if I do.
"You said you were using it to fight the Demon Steves but look at what happened. The Darkness almost fully consumed the world again because of you! Everything you were trying to save changed because of the darkness. The Crystals, the rainbow kingdom, the truce between all the six colors of Steves disappeared and it was all because of you!" I can tell that he was just letting out all of this built-up anger and stress he has been feeling, but it still hurts... it hurts because it's true.
"You wanted to save the world, but all you did was put it back to where it was when you got here! It probably would have been better if you never came into this world! Everyone who died would still be alive! Orange Steve would still be alive." I felt the tears finally seep through my blindfold. My tears streamed down my face.
"I know... I know Light Steve..." Light attacked me. I barely managed to move out of the way. It made me stumble and fall onto my back. I saw electricity run through his hands as he got ready to summon lighting on me.
"Light Steve stop! He can't take another hit!" Yellow steve yelled. I stayed still as Light Steve looked down on me. I watched his rage fade away and he relaxed.
"From here on out Sabre, if any steve sees you. You are to be arrested and put into jail. Depending on the kingdom you might be sentenced to death. Resistor fight back? The Steve is allowed to kill." Light said sternly. I looked at him in pure shock and fear for a few seconds. I'm not wanted anymore... I'm not even needed. I'm the villain. Once the shock left me I barely managed to get back onto my feet as I slowly backed away from Light.
"Light Steve I-"
"I'm giving you one chance to leave Sabre. I suggest you take it." He looked away from me. This is happening.
"I'm Sorry... I hope you're happy now... goodbye..." I took out the Dark Crystal for the last time and teleported back to the steve village.
I heard the Dark Crystal shatter in my hand. I looked down at my hand to see the shattered pieces of the crystal in my hand turn into dust and disappear into the wind. I was back at the lake behind the house me, Dar-, and Time live at. The sun was starting to set now. I didn't even realize how late it was getting. I limped to the back door and opened it. I was about to call out to Time but stopped myself.
I looked at myself barely able to see my reflection from a glass window. I looked like Shadow Sabre... exactly like Shadow Sabre. If Time saw me would he be scared like Yellow was or would he attack me like Light? Would he even see me? How will he feel about me being like this? Would he wish death on me for letting Dark Steve die? I touched my face to feel how cold I was even with the burns all over my body. Does he even want to see me?
I don't think he would want me. Not anymore. He doesn't need me. He wouldn't even care. I'm not supposed to be with the steves anymore either. If they find me and Time is with me... They might hurt him too. I can't stay here. This isn't my place. This can't be my home.
I opened the door and went inside. Before I leave I need to grab a few things. I stayed as quiet as I could. I could see that Time was asleep on the couch tucked under a few blankets. I made my way into the kitchen to grab a day's worth of rations. A few bottles of water and one roll of bandages. I then made my way upstairs into my room making sure each step I took didn't make a sound. I grabbed one spare blanket, a single torch, an empty book, a single piece of paper, a few pencils, and a pen. I put them all into my large special satchel I kept around my shoulder. I went back downstairs and sat at a table. I took out the pen and paper and wrote down a note.
Time if you get this then I'll already be gone. Don't look for me, you're still recovering from Shadow Sabre's attack. Shadow Sabre is gone and so is the sword, but Dark Steve is gone too. I'm sorry. The Steves cast me out and now I can't stay with you or any steve. I have to be on my own. Please get better and stay safe. You'll need it.
I went into the living room and placed the note down on the coffee table next to the couch Time was sleeping on. I looked at him one last time and sadly smiled. I hope things only get better for him. I double-checked my things and went to the front door. I opened it slowly, but it made a loud creak. I flinched and looked over at Time who thankfully stayed asleep.
"Goodbye Time," I muttered under my breath as I closed the door. I looked around The Steve Village and went around it. I remembered hearing a Steve here talking about the edge of the Steve world was close North from here. It sounds like a good place for me at the moment. I headed North.
After an Hour or Two of slowly limping North, I made it to the edge of plains. In front of me stood a lush forest. I could feel a weak magical barrier around it. This must be it. I looked back behind me. Everything was dark from the moonless night. I was leaving the Steve world. I'll be going into a new world now in a way. I took a deep breath remembering the good times I've had with the steves. It didn't matter now. Now I was an outlaw.
I looked ahead and took my first step into the forest going past the magical barrier. I smiled weakly and went in never planning to go back. This will be my new life now.
Now wasn't I wrong?
(Words 2024) Okay, this sorry will be more in a modern book style than my other books. I don't know how long this story will be, but I hope it will be a lot of fun to write and read. I will be making a chapter today hopefully.

The @ will be for all those who wanted this as a book so they can find it easier


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