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I closed the jar shut and tightened it. A dozen cookies lay in the jar perfectly stacked. I didn't think I would make cookies in a while... since the Leaders told me what they were doing it felt right to leave this out...

I put the jar of cookies in a bag and made my way to the forest border. A lot of other Steves were heading the same way I was heading. Near where I first saw the blood trail the day Sabre left was a small monument for him.

It was a large andesite-made podium that slowly built itself up. It had a roof above it to cover it from the weather made of glass. In the center, the small podium was a banner of dark green with the world in the middle. A dark brown mark went over the dyed earth. The banner swayed gently in the wind.

They made it so people could leave gifts here. In case Sabre comes back from the border he can at least grab a few things and know that those in the village are looking out for him. Some Steve's left flowers for Sabre. A lot of notes were left wishing Sabre well. Some people left fruits as well, mostly apples and oranges. I saw a few items that were not as common to be left. I saw a little handmade plush. It looked to be made of a soft fabric. It was in the shape of a wolf. Sabre always said he likes dogs. Near the top of the podium were medical supplies. Blankets, pillows, and healing herbs. Those were left by the leaders after I told them of the blood I found when Sabre came to my house and how he didn't fully heal from when he attacked Demon Void and left to fight Shadow Sabre.

I sighed and hoped he would one day take these items. It would tell me he was alive and well... It would take so much fear off my chest... The village Leaders are even planning on making a memorial for Dark Steve. They would have to hide it though and I don't know where.

I looked up at the memorial one more time. I walked away and teleported away to do something I keep forgetting to do. In a wave of silent teleportation, I made it to the entrance of a small road covered in red roses. A path that leads to M's house. The apprentice of the Red Steves.

I stayed cautious as I made my way to his house and glanced through the window of his house near a pond he probably made. I saw him inside reading the pages of a book. I tapped on his window and he glanced at me.

He wore a small red jacket that had white designs around it. The earth symbol was on his shoulder. His hair was pulled back in a very short ponytail. His skin and hair seemed a bright red showing how young he was. He quickly got up and opens the door.

"Time Steve?! What are you doing here?!" He asked in a panic as he quickly brought me inside and closed the curtains to his windows.

"I needed to ask you a question. It's about a " He cuts me off.

"The Red Leader is supposed to come in here any minute! Get in the closet and don't make a sound. Be lucky I have a grandfather clock in my house!" He quickly shoved me into an open closet and closed the doors. I was left in the dark. Unable to see anything.

"Do you know anything about a barrier stopping Steves from going into a forest?" I managed to get out. M stays quiet.

"No idea, I-" I heard a knock on the door and I went quiet. I heard footsteps at the door and heard a deep voice. The Red Leader.

"Apprentice. It's good to see you." The Red Leader spoke. I tried to find a crack in the closet so I could look at the situation only to find nothing. I just had to listen.

"Yeah... What did you want to talk about again?" M asked him.

"Since you have been viewing the darkness, you have yet to tell me more about how it is going, is everything alright with it?" He asked.

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