Why Red and Green Don't Mix

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The forest was soon familiar to me. The cold air of the storm was now replaced with a warm breeze. Large trees surrounded the forest that looked similar to the ones I had seen in the Red Kingdom. All my little animal friends hid in my boxes of supplies and traders' worth of items. I can only hope this plan in mind will work.

Ulan pulled us through the nonexistent path trying his best to fit through the dense trees with the cart. I gently pet him as he pulled all of us forward. It's nice not to feel alone.

The Sun beats down on me. Making the odd substance turn my body green feels a bit dry and sticky. Thankfully as long as I don't get drenched it will stay on and look as real as possible. The sights around me felt brighter without my usual blindfold over my eyes. With my matching green eyes though... there is nothing to worry about.

"I smell a fraud!" A voice cut me out of my thoughts. I looked over around the forest. Ulan stops in his tracks as I get out of my cart. I looked around my ears only barely recognizing the voice.

"Professor Red!" I called out. He steps out of some bushes he was hiding in, as usual, a fish on top of his head.

"I knew it! You are no green Steve! Do you take me as a fool!?" He snaps at me. I stepped back.

"Wait was it that easy to see through my disguise?! This might be harder than I thought..." A sense of doubt filled me.

"No of course not, I can just smell it! No one else can smell like me!" He grins before stepping over me and rubbing his hand over mine. The green dye didn't seep into his hands.

"Perfect! So what's the plan so I can take you to my lab as quickly as possible? I have a lot of tests to run~" He hums as he steps around me and the cart. I let Ulan a bit who was giving Professor Red a nasty glare.

"Oh well... I have the name Traveler Green Steve. I was going to come in and say I was lost and needed a place to stay... It's not the best plan, but it should convince the other Red Steves-" I got cut off by him.

"No! It doesn't matter if you can fool the others. What matters is whether or not you can convince the Red Leader!" He rolls his eyes at me.

"I mean... do you have any better ideas?" I asked him. This is the best I can come up with.

"No, but how are you supposed to convince them why you don't have powers?" He questions. He goes up to Ulan to try and pet him, but he pulls away.

"I was going to say that I always had a harder time with my abilities-" I once again get cut off.

"Aren't you such a pretty boy! The long black and white streak main, the white stripe on your nose, and the little paw marks on your hooves. So cute! Why didn't you let me meet them sooner!" He looks over at Ulan.

"I only met him not too long ago. He also doesn't seem to like you." I sighed and shook my head.

"Not too long ago..." He mutters before pacing around. "Not too long ago! Perfect!" He grins and looks at me. I took a step back.

"You have a cover yes... but mine will work so much better." He steps over to me and takes off the fish from his head. I took a step back.

"If you have a better plan... just tell me. What do you have in mind?" I question him. He got closer to me until he froze and looked over me. He was closer than I would have liked. He looks at his fish in hand.

"Hmm, all of this will work just fine... It may take longer! But after this, I can do whatever I please do to you! A test a day keeps me coming!" Without warning he swings his hand that held the fish. I tried to move out of the way... but instead, it hit me hard against my temple. After a painful shock of pain.

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