Playing the Role

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Professor Red seemed satisfied with today's blood sample he got from him. It's day three of being a Green Steve in the Red Kingdom. It's certainly been something. Learning the ways of being a Red Steve and pretending like I know nothing has been hard... but it means I can get close to these Steves and show them how kind the Steves are and to come back.

"Is anyone waiting for you outside today?" Professor Red asked me. I shook my head. Raspberry was sitting in the palm of my head sitting in a small pool of water I put on me. The water was slowly being absorbed. Rubus was curled up around my neck, I could feel his little leaves rustle against my skin with each breath I took. Pyrite and Arson were watching Professor Red very closely. They don't like it when Professor Red takes my blood.

"I have no idea. They just come over to steal me whenever they want." I sighed. They are just really interested in me. They want to show me everything and love poking at my fake green skin.

"Well, they better leave some of you to me. There is still so much I need to understand about you!" A small smile appears on his face as he steps away. I get out of the chair I was sitting in and pet Pyrite. His crystals were smooth and shone even under the light in the lab. Arson was.... wandering. I could see her hiding underneath the table. After putting Rubus and Raspberry down on Pyrite, I got only my knees and tried to grab Arson.

"Hey Buddy- you should get out from under there-" I tried to reason with her. Instead, she scoffs and blows some fire onto my hand. I quickly got the fire out but glared at her.

Pyrite gets up and wraps around my legs protectively. The burn on my hand wasn't serious. I sighed looking back at Arson. I need to train this pyromaniac. I don't want them hurting or burning anyone.

"Fine, no treats for you." I walked away from Arson with the others. Arson didn't seem happy about that. I went back upstairs where Professor Red blocked off a room to hide my supplies and Ulan in. I take Ulan out on rides at night so he isn't stuck in here all day.

I greeted him with a small smile and I stoked his neck gently. The other animals became a bit chatty as they welcomed Ulan. I went to the back of my supplies wagon to grab some treats for all of them. They all laid on me in the wagon as I fed them these little snacks. These are the only times I feel like myself anymore...

I heard some knocking on the door. I got my little animal friends off of me as I went to the front door. I didn't close the door into the room fully, but enough that no one could look inside. I opened the door to see some Red Steves who were looking at me with a bright smile.

"Green! How are you doing today?" One of them smiles. Another one grabbed my hand. They pulled me out of the lab. I smiled and switched my voice to the nervous shy green Steve they expect of me now.

"I... I'm doing well... thank you." The warm sun touched my skin as a cool breeze flowed through my clothes and hair. It was a nice day today. The Red Steves took me to the center of the beautiful Red Kingdom. Houses are a mix of white concrete and dark oak wood. Plants thrived in a perfected beauty showing how long this place has been around. It still leaves me astounded by the work of the Red Steves.

"We want to try something new with you today!" Another Red Steve spoke to me. So far they have only taught me the ways of basic life, maybe they want to start showing me the ways of their lives.

"Oh... is it another lesson?" I questioned him. He nods. This one I recognized as Rose Red Steve. With him right now are Star Red Steve and Sunny Red Steve. These three visit me the most.

"We want to help you learn how to use your powers!" Sunny says excitedly. My heart filled with worry.

"I um... are you sure? What if I'm not good at it..." Panic rushed through my head. I don't have powers. I can't even summon lighting a basic of all Steve types. Not being able to do that... Will raise suspicion more than curiosity.

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