The Small Hope

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I sat quietly next to my brother as he slept. Bandages around his arm from the wound he suffered. Therapist Green Steve has been taking care of him whenever I have to leave. All I could feel though was pain... knowing that he got hurt for doing the right thing... for trying to help. He would be alight but still needs to heal.

I hate how insane these leaders have become.

As I held his hand I thought of what the Violet Leader said to me, what the Yellow Leader told him. There is no way they can come together... not without the reason of others. Me and Elemental are still mostly strangers to them. I felt as if my words wouldn't matter, but maybe... The Green Leader's words would. I let go of my brother's hand as I went downstairs to ready myself. Even if we planned to go together this needs to be rushed before a true fight breaks out.

I grabbed little to nothing as I made my way through the house. Within a few seconds of stepping outside, I teleported away to the Green Kingdom as the door closed behind me. I soon found myself in the green forests and humid air. The air smelled of sea salt, and the air here felt much less tense... a break I needed. I made my way through the small paths of stone and moss. Many Green Steves gave me welcomed smiles. The attention helped me find my way to the Green Leader's home. They welcome me to his house without fear or concern of my presence. I knocked on the door where I was greeted by the Green Leader.

"Time! So good to see you!" He smiles at me softly before offering me inside. I stepped in with a polite bow.

"It's good to see you Green Leader, I hope you aren't busy." I tried my best to be polite with my unexpected visit. He shakes his head.

"No no, I haven't been busy and you aren't a bother. What brings the visit today?" He offers me inside his small home. He led me into his kitchen where I was able to sit down. His warm welcome was especially refreshing.

"It's a bit of a  serious topic, the war." I paused as I let my words linger. "Between the Yellow and Violet Steves," I explain. He stops and sits down in front of me.

"I... I know it's going on, and it's hard to see. I want to help more, but I don't want my people to get hurt doing so." He explains as he plays with the sleeves of his clothes.

"I know, but I think you can help. You are truly a middle ground... maybe if you can talk to them-" He cuts me off.

"I want to, I have tried sending them letters, but they only want me to join them. To be the healers in their war to kill each other..." He looks down shameful. I paused as I realized that maybe he cant help... At least help the two leaders.

"Maybe you can help in another way... I'm not only worried about the leaders but the people who follow them." I started. He listens in carefully. "I don't think every Steve wants to fight in this war... and if we get them out... there will be less bloodshed and possibly a way to interrupt their goals." I offered.

"I can let them stay here as a safe place." The Green Leader offers as a smile grows on his face. "We can learn of their plans and intercept them. Stop them from fighting continue," He looks out the window.

"I can have Elemental help protect this place, as well as myself... but he needs time to heal." I think back to how much danger this place would be in.

"Hurt? What happened?!" He stands up with concern.

"He got attacked by the Yellow Leader... we both tried talking to them. Instead, it leads to more anger." I sighed.

"I... I can't believe he would. I hope Elemental has a good healer. I just hope I can help you two and your goal." He steps out of the room and I follow him from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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