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I wondered these caves aimlessly. The only thing I avoided was howls that still threatened to be so close and far from me. The caves seemed dark and endless around me. The walls were rough and I had to hold onto them since no light could guide me through these caves. The ground was uneven and hard to navigate. For the next few hours I wandered each cave reaching dead end after dead end. Wandering through the darkness made my finger freeze. The light of the sky grew darker and darker. I marked tunnel after tunnel nd kept going back to where I fell. Soon I would have no light to go to a familiar place. I only had two tunnels left to go through. I chose one at random and went ahead. This cave felt colder than the other ones.

The howls also sounded louder this way. The cave unlike the other ones had no twists and turns it was just a straight line. I kept following deeper into the cave and felt colder and colder. Then a growl came right in front of me. It keeps out of me and caused me to fall on my back. The pain rushed against my back and chest making it hard to breathe as this large, very heavy creature laid on me. I looked up to the to see any details of this creature only to find it looked Identical to the walls do the caves. I wanted to scream for help, but no human or Steve would hear.

It felt a breath on my face and realized. This looked like a wolf. This wolf felt much heavier compared to normal wolves. It was like the wolf was also made of stone. I lunged at my neck but then a light flashes in front of my eyes. The wolf whined in pain then quickly ran off. I kept my eyes shut as I felt blood drip down my shoulders. Open my eyes I see a large blue glowing crystal shooting up from the ground near my ribs, I crawled back away from the strange crystal that scared the wolf away, I now had light in this cave though.

I looked around and saw something famialr. A fox. This fox was much larger than the small pup I found. It was standing behind me and seemed to be the source of crystal. It protected me? But why?

Behind that fox appeared a small fox pup with bandages around its large crystal around its back. The same one I saved! I never thought I would see them again.

"Thank you crystal fox." I told them, the crystal fox pup went up to me as I sat up. It sat on my lap showing me its crystal on its back. I took the bangages off to find the cracks were completely gone.

"You look much better now little guy- or girl." I can't really tell and don't want to be rude. The crystal pup got off my lap and went back to what I assume was the mother. I got on my feet and they started walking away, I followed them and they didn't seem to mind. The foxes also glowed. They gave me light in these dark caves. They lead me pass a cave entrance I didn't see in the darkness that had a light coming from it. Are the talking me out of here!

The further we went into the cave the brighter it got. I found myself in a cave full of crystals! All the crystals seemed to be mixed with colors and I was surrounded by more crystal foxes who stayed away from me. This cave was beautiful. The foxes I was following stopped in their tracks. I saw something that looked man made. A table of stone and the holes in the table. the holes were shaped like crystals... Two holes next to each other were completely empty. A third hold was filled with something dark... A dark crystal.

The dark crystal is being remade?

Then the rest were the colors crystals. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. All of them in the tables. The orange crystal stood out to me to most because of one thing and one thing only. The edge of the crystal was glowing in the table. The rest were not. I went to teach the orange crystal and the fox looked at me.

It started at me until it looked away as if wanting to see if I could take the crystal from the table. I gently rubbed my fingers on the crystal and it floated up into the air where I could easily grab it. I took it in my hand and felt the energy pulse through me. It was the strongest I have ever felt this crystal.... The stone table hole stopped glowing but none of the other ones glowed with it. Strangely enough I saw the orange and yellow crystal connecting itself to the dark crystal that was being formed. The darkness was slowly losing its color like it was in me.

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