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I guided Ulan through the day into the night. He was doing a wonderful job pulling the cart and me inside of it. The trip was mostly silent. We would stop once in a while to take a break. It was hard to move around because of the lack of paths around the kingdoms... truthfully it's odd to see these familiar landmarks and trees. I didn't think I would ever be out here in the Steve lands again. The night was clear in my sight again. The moon was full and lit up the path we were carving with the cart.

"We can stop here for the night Ulan," I called to him and gently rubbed his back. He stopped and turned his head to me. I got off the cart and looked through the items I had. I made sure to bring a tent with me. I took Ulan off of the cart so he could wander free while I set up a small camp for me and Ulan. I made him a cover in case it rained.

I slowly built the tent up so I could stay warm and dry. I took my time to make sure it was firm on the ground and wouldn't move. Once the tent was fully set up I gathered any wood and stones around the immediate area. I made a small circle of stones on the ground before setting up some sticks on the ground. I went back to the cart to grab some flint and stone when I froze.

Little Raspberry my mushroom friend was laying on what looked like to be a sprout hidden in a back corner of the cart. Have they been here the entire time?! How did they even manage to sneak in? I sighed and shook my head.

"Raspberry, what are you doing?" I lifted my hand to pick him up when... the sprout moved. I pulled my hand back as the sprout became a squirrel. This squirrel's feet and face looked similar to seeds. Seeds are about to crack open. It's entire back and being was a sprout though. Even had a tiny one fully grown out that Raspberry laid on.

"Is this your friend little guy?" I questioned. Raspberry held onto the lead gently as the Sapling Squirrel began to run around the cart. I lifted my foot being careful not to step on it.

"I- why did you two come with me it's not safe-..." I sighed and shook my head. "Never-mind. It's too late to take you back now." The little guy ran around happily. I smiled at the two. At least they are friends. I looked back into the hiding spot to see something... odd. A larger black creature was hidden in the area.

A black chicken.

"A chicken?... why is there a chicken in here?" I reached out to touch the chicken only for it to open its dark red eyes and bite me. I pulled my hand back from the sudden sharp pain. It got out its feet scratching the wood of the cart. This was an average-sized chicken... but nothing seemed off it magical about it. It looked over to the sprout squirrel before watching it carefully.

"Okay... three. We have three hideaways... How did I not notice all of you here?" I shook my head at them and sat down. The chicken looks over at me and sits on my lap with a quick cluck. She is a feisty one, isn't she? I can manage these hides always though. Even if it's something I rather not deal with.

More paw steps came from behind me. I looked over and a small light filled the cart. I paused not believing what I saw... Another one of those Crystal foxes. This one was bigger than who I met before though. He did look similar to the smaller crystal fox I met... maybe this is their dad? It comes over to me its crystals large on its back. It wanders around and sniffs the grass. So make those four stowaways... How am I going to keep track of all of them? I already have so much to do... hiding them from the Red Steves will be difficult too... I'll figure it out.

"Okay... so you all came and snuck into the cart... but why?!" Ulan steps over to me and nudges his head against mine. "Me? Why me? I'm just..." I trailed off. Being reminded of where I am and who I am here is something that still conflicts with me.

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