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The sensation of warmth woke me up from my deep slumber. I was wrapped in thick soft blankets that comforted my aching body. Safe... warm... I didn't have a need to move, so I stayed still. I didn't feel scared so why open my eyes to view my surroundings? Maybe sleep can take over me again... I waited and waited for sleep to take me in the senses of comfort, but instead, I felt a hand rest on my head. Their hand was ice cold as it gently moved some hair away from my face. I didn't dare stir. 

"I hope you wake up soon... Sabre." A familiar voice whispered to me before his hand pulled away from my head. Light Steve?... Why was he here?... My sense of safety quickly vanished as my heart began to race. The last time we saw each other he chased me away. He banished me from the known Steve world! How did he find me?! Why was he here? Was I back in the Steve kingdoms?!

I hear footsteps that slowly became distant. I opened my eyes expecting to be in a cell or interrogation room only to find I was still in the house I made in this forest. The blankets around me seemed to be made out of some of the fabric that I cut off those sheep. The tight comfort came from the fresh bandages that I could feel all across my body. My clothes seemed perfectly clean of any blood that was on them beforehand. My body was aching, but I could feel that my wounds have been healing. How long have I been out for? I sat up and looked behind me to find the fireplace with an open fire. 

Some squeaking distracted me from the dancing flames. I looked around only to find my little mushroom friend. Raspberry! The little guy quickly reached and jumped up. I reached my hand and he got on my hand before hugging my thumb. I smiled at my little friend only to feel another friend get on my head. Spitfire! Looking ahead I could see sprout and out the window my horse friend Ulan. I smiled at all my friends here. I petted Spitfire on my head. My legs felt too numb for me to get off my feet though. 

"Sabre?..." Light Steve's voice caught me by surprise causing me to flinch before looking at my friend. The edges of his white clothes seemed tainted with stains of dirt. Bags were under his eyes and he looked a little roughed up with a noticeable bruise on his wrist. 

"Light Steve." I didn't have anything to say to him rather than that. He needed to do the talking... I don't need anything from him, but I am more than sure he needs a lot from me. Everything that I was before and now affects him. He knows that too. 

"I..." He goes quiet while I wait for him to talk. "Are you feeling better, you didn't look great when I found you here." He gestures to some bandages he left on the floor since I don't really have furniture. He was ignoring the tension in the room. I stopped petting Spitfire and looked down. 

"A lot better... thanks," I muttered the thanks. Light Steve takes a few steps closer to me but doesn't get that close. 

"This is a quaint house, you're friend the strange horse led me here. I think he wanted me to find you."

"You're lucky he doesn't know who you are." My anger slipped from my tongue. I tried to stand to get away from him, but my numb legs refuse to let me stand for longer than a few seconds before Light had to catch me. 

"You're still hurt at least sit-down Sabre. Please?" Light asked me. He helped me sit down and I didn't bother to try to get up again. His hands were still cold and left the cold on my skin even after he stopped supporting me. I couldn't get myself to say anything else to him. "Here, you've been out for a few days and you should eat something." He hands me a red apple that was perfectly ripe. I took the apple hesitantly and ate the sweet juicy flesh. Light continued talking.

"That green bird grew these huge apple trees while you were out. I've been scavenging food for both of us to eat. I even started a garden for you that has been already producing food. These creatures care about you a lot." Light reached his hand out and forward. Spout comes over and flies over to Light and sits on his arm. Light seemed different and... seemed more emotional than before. I can't tell if that's a good thing or not. I looked at him. He looked back. 

"Why are you here." Anger showed in my voice and my voice alone. "Thanks for saving me I guess, but why help me? You are the one who sent me her." Anger continued to storm inside of me. Light paused and Sprout soon flew off. 

"I ran away. The leaders were going to take my crystal..." Light held his hand on his chest. My anger twisted into shock then anger again, but not at him.

"They what?! You haven't done anything wrong! I'm the one who deserves to be away from everyone else! Even if you sent me here I don't care! You don't deserve to be here Light." I snapped. Raspberry suddenly squeaked in fear. I froze and looked at them before gently patting their head with my pinky. "Sorry Raspberry..."

"It's okay Sabre. Not all the leaders wanted this. The orange leader especially didn't want this and gave me a chance to run... I've been learning more about us- me and the crystal. I have these new abilities that I am still learning about." Light reached his hand forward and I watch ice come out of his hands, this was ice unlike I have ever seen before. It was pure white and made the entire room's temperature drop. I looked in awe.

"They didn't believe I could control it and they wanted to take the crystal... A war has started between the orange and blue steves because of all the crystals disappearing." I felt the crystal around my chest pull to Light as he said those words. Did he see the crystal on me? He must of since he has done the bandages. 

"I would say you took the crystals since you have the orange crystal... but it was shattered into a single shard before. How did you find it Sabre?" He asked me curiously. 

"I found it in a cave, I can show you where later..." I remember the cave that leads me to the crystal fox's cave so it shouldn't take me too long to find. 

"Alright... I am stuck here for a while so we can see it together... has Crystal Orange Steve-" He stopped himself and didn't ask more. I... He's right orange steve is the crystal. The third Rainbow Steve. Can he hear me now? 

"I'm not sure..." I mumbled. Light comes back close to me and then hugged me gently. I froze. He held me close as the shock faded. I leaned on him and hugged him back.

"I am sorry Sabre. I don't mean anything I said to you. You aren't a monster... you're human... the only human I have ever met and the best one I will ever meet. You aren't like all of us and we need to listen to you just as you have listened and helped us... You did what was the right thing then... I see now that it was the right thing now. I mean look we are all free from the darkness and have no problems with the demons anymore. The steves... each color has become our enemy from fear." Tears went down his face. I think- no this is the first time I have ever seen him cry. 

"Sabre I'm sorry... I will never leave your side again... promise..." His hug became suffocating tight, but I didn't mind. It felt good to be hugged again. I cried.

"I forgive you, Light Steve." We hugged each other and cried until our pain melted into nothing. I understand now... and I'm happy. Happy we can be friends again. 

(Words 1395) Sorry for the short chapter guys. Just wanted this one scene to be a stand-alone chapter. Also how the crystals work in this book is different than the cannon in Steve legends just so you are all aware. 

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