Birds and Mushrooms

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    I woke up to hear the sound of birds singing. The sun was up and I could feel the warmth of it radiating on my skin. I had no idea how long I was asleep. I barely slept the night before I got put into the machine to go through my mind. The next day when I fought Shadow Sabre I didn't sleep at all and last night I was walking through this forest for most of the night. I opened my eyes and looked up to see it was a little bit past noon. When was the last time I slept past noon? I started to hear something out of place. Something that sounded like chirps, but in bugs?
    I looked down to where the sound was coming from to see a strange sight. Tiny little mushrooms. The largest ones are no bigger than my thumb, all the rest of them smaller. They have a similar white or grey body and either a dark red and white spotted head or a brown one. They had little nubs for hands and feet. They had cute little faces- yes these things are adorable.
    They haven't noticed I was awake yet by the looks of it. It looked like they were doing something with one of my cuts. Are those webs they were putting in my small cuts? Where did they even get webs? Also, where did they come from? I hope I don't scare them from doing this.
    "Hello?" I said as I slowly sat up trying not to make any sudden movements. The mushrooms jumped and made loud squeaking noises, probably their screams, and started to run off. 
    "Hey hey I won't hurt you." It was already too late. All the mushroom people were already gone. How did they move so fast with such tiny legs? It's probably better if I don't think about it. The blanket I had was no longer on me, but on the side like someone moved it. The darkness was still all over me... I kind of hoped it would be gone by now. I got up slowly and stumbled a little when I did. The fight strained me more than I thought. Every part of my body ached from the fight and probably sleeping on the ground. Karma I guess. It was a nice clear day from what I could see. I reached for my bag and took out a bottle of water and drank. The cold water felt good.
    I decided to look at what the mushrooms put on my small cut. They seemed a lot like spider webs. I pinch the webs with my fingers and try to pull them off my skin, but it was like glue. As long as it doesn't infect my cuts it should be alright. This is already a weird or- afternoon. I folded the blanket and put it into my bag. I looked around for the horse and bird, but they were nowhere in sight. I was alone. The old worn-down house was there, maybe I can see what that's all about.
    I went and looked around the house to see it was about two stories high. The space between each floor. Like the horse I saw earlier could fit inside. The top of the house had no roof but a few walls remain. The windows were broken and the wood was wet and rotten. The foundation of the house still stood with little to no damage. A house that was old, but not too old. The entrance of the house was facing towards the rising sun.
    Maybe if I- no you can't stay here. It's too close- actually, It's not that close to the steves... and it would be nearly impossible to find it through this bizarre forest. I would be safe here... the steves will be safer with me here. I put my blanket to the side and went into the house cautiously. It looked bigger than it did on the outside. Inside were chests, furnaces, chairs, tables, and the smell of something rotten. It looked like this was the main area with a living room and kitchen. It also seemed to have two other rooms closed off. I opened the door that was closer to the back of the house.
    The room was large and open with a high old bed covered in dust and stains. It looked like a medical room. Another gap where a door would be opened up to the outside. Weird. There were a few shelves, but only one small chest. I went to the other room to see it was a strange closet. One wall was what looked like an old bookshelf. All the books seemed to be destroyed from time.
    The other wall was filled with chests to keep supplies in a really bad smell coming from some of the chests. I pinched my nose. There was a small broken window in the back of the room. Guess this door was the only way in and out. I left the room and found the ruined staircase. I went over to it and put some pressure on the first step. I felt the boards move with my weight. I choose not to go up the stairs. I checked on the supports to see they were in poor condition. I'll need to fix those first before I can even attempt to try to live here. It's a good start though.
    I heard something outside that sounded like panicked chirping? Wait! Is it the bird from last night? Is it looking for me? It kind of sounds like the bird from last night. I left the house and grabbed my satchel from the ground. I looked over to where I was asleep earlier and saw the bird from last night, but they looked different. They were about as big as my chest. They had long red tail feathers similar to peacocks. Smaller feathers were similar on the top of their head. Their feathers were all a bright fire red. He was flying around and seemed to be looking for something.
    "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked the bird. He looks over to me and flies around me. He gave me a few angry chirps then flew to the ground in front of me.
    "I was in the house. You act a lot like Light Steve-.... Uh, forget that. I promise I'm okay. These weird mushrooms were putting webs on my cuts, see?" I showed the bird some of the webs that the mushrooms put on me. The bird seemed to calm down from that. I need a name for them.
    The bird chirps, seeming pleased that I was alright. It flew back up and started to fly into the forest. I followed them, curious about where they were going. I was still slow so it was hard for me to keep up with their pace. The bird noticed and sometimes waited for me to catch up. I looked around for any of the mushrooms while following the phoenix. I didn't see any of them. I kind of want to see their faces again. They are just so adorable.
After a while of following the bird, we came to a large tree.
    The largest tree in the forest by the looks of it. There were a lot of birds similar to the red bird in the tree. All of the different colors ranging from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and pink. They all had either one tail feather to twenty. The ones with one tail feather look younger than the ones with twenty. After looking closely and seeing how they looked I knew what type of birds they were.
    "Phoenixes," I muttered. The Redbird chirped proudly as I said that. They flew in front of me close to my face.
    "You're a phoenix! That's so cool!" I tell the red phoenix and pet their neck. They chirped happily. I smiled and continued to pet the phoenix. I suddenly felt a cold chill run through my body and I shivered. It was the darkness I was sure of it. The phoenix noticed and perched on my shoulder. I felt a warm heat radiate through my body as its feathers puffed up.
    "And you can control fire huh?" The bird nodded and I thought for a moment.
    "Can I name you Spitfire?" I asked them. Spitfire spread his wings open and screeched with joy. I rubbed my left ear and smile,
    "Spitfire it is. My name is Sabre by the way." I tell Spitfire. The cold chill went away and he flew up to the trees. I smiled and sat down knowing for now it's better that I don't push myself right now. Some of the birds with fewer tail feathers were curious about me, the others gave me a few glances but seemed to be busy with whatever these phoenixes do. I just watched them trying to show I wasn't a threat to them. I probably couldn't even be a threat if I wanted to. My stomach growled and I sighed. I reached for my bag and saw a tiny mushroom on my bag. They seemed to be shaking with fear. It must have been hidden in the bag. I picked up the tiny mushroom with my hand and they squeaked in fear. I kept my hand away from my face, but they could see me still.
    "I said I wasn't going to hurt you." The mushroom looked up at me in curiosity. I used my free hand to grab a sandwich from my bag. It was just a regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich that Time made... I'm going to miss his cooking...
    "Do you eat? Or do you just have sunlight?" I asked curiously. I took a bite of my sandwich. The mushroom looks to where the sun is. Looks like it eats sunlight. Kind of strange. I looked around a little and found a small leaf that had a bit of water. I put it next to the mushroom to see if it was thirsty. It looked at me than the leaf. It just jumps into the water and sits there.
    "Okay then?" I continued to eat my sandwich as it sat in the water, The water slowly disappeared until it was gone.
    "Oh! You just absorb water huh? Like a root does?" I asked them. They ignored the question and got off the leaf. It tried to push the leaf of my hand so I picked up the leaf and put it on the ground.
    "There you- go?" The mushroom was now hugging my thumb. I smiled a little as it hugged my thumb. I used my pinky to gently pat its head and it made a small little squeak.
    "Thanks for the webs." I will tell you. I put my hand on the ground so it could leave it wanted to. The mushroom stopped hugging my thumb and got off my hand. It left and was soon deep into the forest. I smiled and looked at my left hand. The one I was holding the mushroom is to see that some of the darkness has faded from my hand. Even some of the darkness on my chest was gone too.
(Words 1886)

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