Senior Year - Ch. 1

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A/n - Just in case someone thinks otherwise, you say Ida like Ee-dah (at least in this story).

Enjoy ^.^


"Eeee-daaaaahh!" yelled my best friend, Kaydee, as she attacked me with a bone-crushing hug, grinning like a moron.

"Kaaaaydeeee!" I yelled in reply, with just as much enthusiasm, struggling not to fall to the floor under her, me also sporting a stupid grin.

I had just stepped out of my shitty, old, black Chevy - which usually broke down at least once a month and made some incredibly unhealthy-car noises, but I loved with a passion, due to it being my first car and being the same model and colour as the one on Supernatural (huge fan by the way).

Kay was decked out in a glamourous back-to-school outfit; dark skinny jeans and a slightly-sparkly blue vest top-tee, coupled with some deadly heels.

Even I had to admit that she looked killer, despite the look being slightly ruined by her backpack.

I, myself, wore jeans, a black tee, a khaki jacket and some combat boots - nothing at all special, just how I liked it.

I preferred to stay barely-on the radar; too off the radar to be noticed, yet actually on the radar as to not make myself conspicuous.

You can guess why.

"Hey Ida, guess what?" Kaydee asked as soon as she released me, flipping her wavy, strawberry-blonde hair over her shoulder as we headed towards the entrance of Greenview High School (original name, I know).

"Your real name is Igmabob and you're an alien from planet Sqleb, here in the lovely state of Massachusetts to kidnap poor, unsuspecting cows?" I replied, as seriously as I could.

"Er.. No, guess again. And Igmabob, really? That's a stupid name, even for an alien," she said, rolling her turquoise eyes at me.

"How could you?" I gasped at her, feigning shock, "Igmabob is an incredibly popular name on the planet Sqleb! They'd be-foot you for even thinking that!"

"Be-footing?" she questioned, "really?"

"Absolutely, that's the worst kind of punishment on Sqleb, I mean, what would you do if you'd gone and gotten your foot chopped off?"

"Use a wheel chair," she countered, sticking her tongue out at me. "Besides Iddy, you're getting us off-topic. Now guess!"

"I did guess!" I defended, "I just got it wrong."

"Guess!" she hit me on the arm for my "epic childness" (her words), not that she's any better - she just attacked me with a hug!

"Fine," I sighed dramatically, "Is it that we are finally seniors?"

"Absolutely!" at this, my completely insane friend started jumping up and down in excitement and anticipation, oblivious to the many teenagers around her who were looking at her as though she was mental.

"You do realise it's just school, right?" I asked, shaking my head at her and questioning why I'm friends with such an insane person - other than the fact that she is one of the few people I can actually stand in this place. In the three years that I'd been in Greenview she'd become a sister to me.

She stared at me, mouth hung open, as if I just told her that I was, in fact, Igmabob - this is most likely the face she'd make if she found out what I could do. That, or she'd just pass the fuck out.

"This is not just school!" she mock-yelled inspirationally, as if telling us that "this is Sparta."

"In roughly 180 days, we will be free!" She laughed ecstatically, spinning around in joy.

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