First day at Bright Moon High. (Y/N) POV

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   I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. The annoying little fucker was so loud it could have woken my mom and mother up. 

   "UGH!" I reach over and press the snooze button. I sit up and wipe the tiredness from my eyes and get out of bed, going over to my closet and grabbing some clothes. The clothes I grabbed were baggy ripped jeans, my (F/C) hoodie, and black rainbow rimmed Converse High-tops. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my short hair. I walked back into my room, grabbing my phone off of the nightstand and checking the time. When I looked at my phone, it was already 7:00 a.m. "Shit, I'm gonna be late!" I said as I quickly turned off my lights and ran out of my bedroom, into the hallway and down to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, Spinnerella was there waiting for me. 

   "Morning (Y/N). I made pancakes." she said, holding a plate out to me. I ran over and grabbed a pancake off of the plate and shouted, "Thanks Spinnerella!" Before she had a chance to respond, I was out the door and on my way to the school. I pulled out my phone once more and checked the time, seeing that it was 7:15. "Damn it..." I said as I began to sprint. It normally took me 15 minutes to get to school once I was out of the house, but I didn't want to be late today. 

   Pretty soon the school came into view. I continued to run, not noticing that there was a chic on a fucking motorcycle driving towards me. Seconds before the person ran into me, I sped up, making it across the road and onto the pavement heading towards the school. I slowed down and began to speed walk to the front doors. Once I approached the doors, they opened and allowed me to walk inside. 'They could use better security around here' I thought.

   I walked to the front desk where a man asked if I was a new student attending the high school. "Uh...Yeah. I am new here." I said, looking around the area. I read his nametag, noting that his name was Mason Vickers. "Okay. What is your name miss?" Mr. Vickers asked. I looked at him, wondering why he wanted to know my name. "My name is (Y/N)." He looked down and wrote my name down on paper. "Okay (Y/N), what grade are you in?" I was seriously confused as to why he wanted to know what grade I was in. "I am in tenth grade." He wrote that down too. He then went to the computer that was beside him and typed my information into it. Thirty seconds later, paper came out of a printer. Mr. Vickers stood up and walked to the printer and grabbed the papers, handing them to me. "Well (Y/N), here is your schedule. You will head to your first period class at 7:45." he said while pointing to a clock behind his head that said it was 7:40. "Okay. Thank you Mr. Vickers." I said as  I walked out of the office and into the school building. 

  Just as I stepped into the cafeteria, shouts and screaming could be heard. I looked up from the schedule and saw that there was a crowd of people surrounding two others that seemed like they were fighting. "First day of school and there are already fights happening," I said with a smile, "I think I'm gonna like it here." Out of nowhere I hear someone shout, "Hey, new kid!"

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