First of Junior year.

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   Sorry for the time skip guys. I know I haven't been updating much when I said I would try. I have been so busy with school as well as other things that I nearly forgot that this even existed.

(Catra pov)

   "Catra! Help me!" Y/n shouted, reaching out for me. I look to the side and see Adora, lying face down in the dirt. No. Not Adora. I tried to go to Y/n, but it seemed like someone was holding me back. "Let go of Me!" I struggled and tried to pry myself from whatever or whoever was holding me down. I began to cry, not only because of Adora, but because I couldn't help Y/n. I looked at Adora again and back to Y/n and my face paled. There was a hooded figure coming up behind her with a knife. They ran up and grabbed her. "Y/N NO!!!!!!" I screamed. 

   The person drew the knife acrost her neck, then let go of her and watched her choke on her own blood. "NO!!!!!!!!" I screamed, tears pouring out of my eyes. I glared up at the person who had killed her and said, "I will kill you!" They looked up at me and shook their head. "Oh, Catra. You won't kill me." they said, grinning. "How do you know I won't? You're nothing but a murdering asshole." I said, nearly choking on my own tears. the person walked up to me and grabbed my face, making me look at them. "Because Catra," they pulled their hood off and smiled, "I'm you." 

   "NO!" I shot up in bed, tears lining my face. I was breathing hard, and sweating. I wiped my face on my blanket and sighed. I looked over my shoulder at my alarm clock to see that it was five thirty in the morning. "Just another dream," I said to myself, "Nothing to be scared of." I turned and got out of bed, heading towards my closet. I opened the doors and froze. For a second I saw Y/n, hung by the neck, and dead. I fell back on my ass and looked back at my closet. Nothing. "Great. Now I'm hallucinating," I mumbled. I got up and quickly grabbed my clothing: a grey long-sleeved shirt, black pants, my black Vans, and my black jacket. 

   I go into my bathroom and look in the mirror, noticing that my hair was a mess. I sighed and scratched the back of my head before closing my door and getting out of my pajamas. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. I stood under the shower head and let the water run over my body. I glanced at my arms, laced with scars from fights I had gotten into. I then looked at my torso, where the scars looked like artwork. As I looked down at my feet, I noticed that the water going down my body had started turning red. Then, I felt the familiar pain of my nails digging into my skin. I let go of my arms and washed away the blood, till there was none left.

   I knew it was time for me to get out, seeing as the air was getting heavy with steam. I turned the water off and stepped onto the small rug outside of the shower and grabbed my towel, dried myself, and got dressed. My arms stung as I dried my hair, but I pushed the pain away. I looked in the mirror again and grinned. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out, turning off the light and going into my room. I grabbed my shoes and walked over to my bed, where I sat down and put my shoes on. 

   I got up and went to the other side of my room by the door and grabbed my bag, swinging it over my shoulder and walking out. I went through the Livingroom and headed to the front door, opening it and walking outside to my bike. I grabbed my helmet off of the seat and put it on before getting on my bike and leaving. I was going along Plumera Road, just before turning onto west Prime Avenue, when I heard sirens. "Not again," I mumbled. I sped up and turned onto the road that would lead me to the High School and nearly crashed into a 1990 Jeep. "Shit!" I slammed on the breaks, causing my bike to spin a bit. "Catra?" someone said. I took my helmet off and looked up, only to see Adora running up to me. "Adora?" I said as she reached me and hugged me, "What's wrong? What happened?" I pulled her away from me to see that she was crying. 

   She looked me in the eyes and I immediately knew what had happened. "Adora, where's y/n?" She looked down at her feet before saying, "At the hospital." I froze. What could have happened? Who did this? Why didn't I know?  "Catra?" Adora said, causing me to look at her. "W-What...Who?" she shook her head and swallowed, "Y/n was attacked by someone. She was conscious when I got here. I was the one who called the police. She was so shaken, Catra. She wouldn't tell me who did it. She did say-" "What did she say!?!" I shouted, causing Adora to stumble back a bit. "She said it was payback." I looked down at the ground, trying to hide my fear from Adora.

   It seemed as though the whole world was spinning. "Do you want me to drive you to the hospital, Catra?" Adora asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. I nodded, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. Y/n wouldn't want to see me like this. I followed Adora to her jeep, completely forgetting about my motorcycle. I was about to say something about it, but Adora beat me to it. "I will drop you off here later, after we check on y/n, so you can grab your motorcycle and take it home." I nodded and got in her jeep. 

   It was a silent ten minutes. We drove past Y/n's house, and I told Adora to stop. "Alright. Are you going to tell Nettossa and Spinnerella?" I opened the door and turned towards the house before looking over my shoulder at her. "Yeah. They deserve to know what happened to their daughter." Adora gave me a look that was a combination of both worry and understanding. I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard footsteps and I shoved my hands into my pockets, trying to keep them from shaking. The door opened and Spinnerella smiled at me. "Hello, Catra," she said. 

   I looked at her and her smile turned into a frown. "Is everything alright, dear?" She looked up and saw Adora's jeep, causing her to furrow her brow. "Why are you here? Where's Y/n?" I shook my head and bit my tongue, letting the taste of blood fill my mouth. Spinnerella brought her hands up to her face and she turned, calling over her shoulder, "Nettossa!" There were heavy footsteps coming from the house. "What is it Spinny?" Nettossa asked, seeing Spinnerella staring at me. "What's happened?" I swallowed, saying, " We need to get to the hospital."

Once again, I am sorry for the long ass wait. I have been so busy with school and golf and a bunch of other things. I hope you enjoy this part.

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