Payback. Catra POV

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   "Holy shit, (Y/N). What the hell did Huntara do to you?" I said as I looked over (Y/N), checking for any permanent damage. She looked at me and said, "It's nothing Catra. I'm fine." I looked at her with a serious face and looked back at Jessie and Seattle. Seattle shook her head as Jessie looked at (Y/N) and said, "I would suggest you tell her, (Y/N). Catra can be protective over others." I looked at (Y/N), who had blood running out of her nose, and grabbed her hand. "Nurses office, now." I looked at Jessie and Seattle and said, "Take Huntara to Principal Spiers." I began leading (Y/N) to the nurses office. 

Time skip because I do not wanna write a whole paragraph on how long it took to get there.

   By the time we got to the nurses office, almost everyone had left. I opened the door and lead (Y/N) inside, having her sit in a chair. I walked to the back where I knew the nurse was. "Hello? Ms. Grahm?" I said, looking around. Ms. Grahm walked around the corner. "Catra. What can I help you with?" I pointed my thumb over my shoulder and said, "Huntara was picking on the new kid. She has a bloody nose." Ms. Grahm nodded and walked into her office. I followed and sat beside (Y/N). 

Another time skip.

   "Thanks Catra." (Y/N) said, holding a paper towel to her nose. "No problem. Huntara always picks on the weak links. I guess she saw you as one of the weakest." I said, walking out of the building and holding the door. (Y/N) followed and said, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow Catra." I looked at her and tilted my head, making one of my ears twitch. "You walked here?" (Y/N) nodded, looking down in embarrassment. "I can give you a ride home if you want." I offered, smiling. "Really? That would be great." (Y/N) said, grinning. I began to walk to the parking lot and got to my vehicle. "Wait...that's your ride?"

   In front of me stood a black motorcycle with space for two and a  compartment for my bags and an extra helmet. I looked over at (Y/N), my tail swaying. "Yeah. Why?" She looked at me and nearly shouted. "You were the chick who almost ran into me this morning!" I scratched the back of my neck, looking down and nearly piercing my skin with my claws. "Yeah...Sorry about that." She grabbed my hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "Its alright." I smiled and walked up to the motorcycle, going to the compartment and placing my bag in before going to the other side and grabbing the helmets. I handed one to (Y/N), who took it and put it on her head, buckling it. We bot got on the bike. 

   "You are gonna want to hold on to something." I said, expecting (Y/N) to hold onto the handles on the seat. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my upper back. I felt my face heat up as she did that, but I ignored it and started the engine, kicking up the kickstand and pushing off of the ground as the bike began moving forward. (Y/N)'s grip tightened around me and I nearly said something about it. She told me when to turn and what way to go. Pretty soon we had gotten to her house and I stopped the motorcycle.

   "Thanks Catra." (Y/N) said, holding her helmet out to me. I shook my head and said with a smile, "Keep it. I am picking you up tomorrow." (Y/N) looked at me and nodded, grinning and walking up to the door. "See you tomorrow Catra." I smiled and started the motorcycle again, "See yo tomorrow (Y/N)."

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