"It's going to be one hell of a reunion."
"You think?"
Surrounding the events before, during, and after the 'Black Widow' film!
"The Avengers weren't my first family."
"And you weren't mine."
With the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the...
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Russian Translations:
Боже мой - Oh my God!
Нет - No
"Honey, we're home."
Melina may have looked intimidating and unwelcoming - that is if you ignored the several hairy pigs surrounding her.
Looks like Alexei hadn't been kidding with all the snorting.
"Боже мой!" Sascha immediately knelt down in the mud. "Look at you!" The pigs immediately surrounded her as she reached out to them. "Aw, look at you, so cute!"
Melina led the way inside. "What happened to your face?" she asked.
Sascha sighed, giving in. "Natalia punched me."
"Don't smile. We had a fight."
"Of course you did. You good?"
"Let me see-"
"Нет-" She pulled away. "It's fine. You don't have to worry - you're their mother, not mine."
"But I'm not theirs, am I?"
While Nat was doing a survey of the house - who knew what Melina had lying about in way of traps? - Yelena caught up to her again.
"She has long lasting effects from the training and experiments."
"We all do."
"Hers are different-"
"Are we still on this?"
"Yes I want you to understand."
"Look, I understand you defending your girlfriend and that's sweet and all, but I'm not interested in her sob story right now-"
"She sees things, Natasha." Yelena cried. "It scares her and it scares me. We don know what it is or what it means. But it happens often and has been happening for years."
This caught the redhead's attention. "What do you mean she 'sees things'?"
"Visions, many of them, usually the same. Usually she's unshakable and has seen horrors but these visions or whatever shake her to the core. I wanted to come find you, come to you for help. You're the only superhero person I know and who has dealt with these sorts of things-" Nat knew she was speaking of the Widow program as much as she was the unexplainable things. "But you made it very clear that you didn't want anything to do with us."
"You were going to try and find me? Even after everything?"
"I want to help her. To do that I would do anything."